Totally a staff insulting thread

let’s all insult the staff that keep bee alive and running even though they have no reason to care as much as they do. (Well some…)

Crossed has a horrible haircut

Bloons has way too much armpit hair

Franc smells like burnt pizza

Aeder doesn’t eat enough

Velvet is a poopy face

Cae is a lobotomized hedgehog that has been hit by a bus

Naevi doesn’t like drawing squids

Ruko is a uhhhh I got nothing…

Catmain is hated by dogs

Vex has a love child with somebody that draws furry “things”

(if it wasn’t clear already this is a joke, admins are people too, give them a break, sometimes they could just be having a bad day)

I’m more offended by the fact that I wasn’t mentioned.


You have bad breath, it smells like a Russian fart

fuck you!!!

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You have a horrible taste in clothes

When you are so unknown that people don’t even insult you


I can summarize all of those above


I’m incapable of being insulted


You have no eyebrows and are bad at cooking

You have huge nose-holes

BloonsTD3 named after the WORST BloonsTD game. best one is BloonsTD 1+1+1

I have been corrected. BloonsTD3 is the superior BloonsTD game

your are wrong, you are stupid and you don’t deserve opinions

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Fite me on BloonsTD battles


Mentors count as staff

shut up staff

bring it on

since I have no idea about the new BS abilities, we use the default ones

you forgot me

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You have lovely eyes

shut up

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When both other seniors are insulted but not me

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