Timebreaker/P.H.O.E.N.I.X Player Report

In-game report:

   Title: Timebreaker Player Report
   CKEY: Ivanmixo

   Your Discord: ivanmixo#2886

   Offender’s CKEY: Timebreaker

   LRP or MRP server: LRP

   Offender’s In-Game Name: P.H.O.E.N.I.X (borg)

   Date (MM-DD-YYYY):

   Round Number: 19625

   Rules Broken: 4,5

   Incident Description: 

Alright so I’m a traitor chemist, I do traitor chemist stuff, someone makes some nanites or something that turns people into borgs. Most of the crew gets turned into borgs.

A fellow traitor emaggs the majority of said borgs, alright. I kill him and take his emag, proceed to try to emag as many borgs as humanly possible. Alright, so I do so for about 5 borgs before running into a peacekeeper borg, PHOENIX. So I flash and emag him, all that jazz along with his buddy miner borg. Then when he recovers from the flash he proceeds to do the crush thing peacekeeper borgs can do, I remind him to read his laws, then he gets his good ol’ emagged peacekeeper hyprospray out and injects me. Right after this he actually reads his laws and says oh fuck and proceeds to stand there, not even trying to cover for his mistakes, just typing something out for ages. I proceed to try my best to get to med storage to get some charcoal, but I don’t get there in time because new firelocks are slow and I fall asleep, and die. Epic. He didn’t even follow me to try to help, he just, I dunno? Stood there?

Also yeah I’m 100% sure I successfully emagged him.

   Additional Information: Later in deadchat he didn't seem apologetic at all, didn't even seem to think what he did was wrong. Wish we had some admins on when the player count on LRP is >20.

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