This is the dark souls of ban reasons

CKEY: Not megatron

Admin’s CKEY: brotherhangyul

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both

Which server did the ban happen on? sage

Ban Type:
Ban Length: permanent

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2020-11-03 17:46

**Round ID:**23386

Ban Reason:
Abuased power to brainwash a person with an objective prohibiting contact with felinids as a non-antagonist; targeted against two big felinid players and overall the last straw in a novel of shitty behaviour as both command and security. Appeal on the forums if you feel like this is unjust. Authorised by Llol and Francium.
Appeal Reason:
this is such a meme ban that i couldn’t even bring myself to appeal it because i knew yall would hit me with 13 reasons why it is actually good and sensible but anyway here we are. delete this.

Additional Information:

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Ban should stay just because your clearly salty and this behavior will continue until you decide to improve

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About time Megatron got banned from Sec and Command

This isn’t even a serious appeal and doesn’t follow the title format.

Unless you want to address the fact you were doing what’s stated (intentionally abusing your position to ruin other players’ rounds), don’t even bother re-posting a corrected version.