TheNeoGamer42 admeme app

Your CKEY (Including any alts you have): TheNeoGamer42

Your Discord Name (Including any alts you have): windows xp#8403

How often are you online to play/admin? (Timezone): PST, would likely be on between 3 - 9 ish

What changes, if any, would you bring?: Another admin to keep MRP cleaned of people breaking rules

How old are you?: 18

Why do you want to be an admin?: Make MRP actually MRP by banning the people causing problems

How long have you been playing SS13?: like, 2 years or something

How long have you been playing BeeStation?: over 7 months

On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you in SS13?: Depends, probably a 5 to 7 at times

On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you as an admin?: I have messed around with the admin panels on a localhosted beecode

Have you ever been an admin on another server? This is not limited to SS13: Yes, a few real small discords and for servers of a game I don’t play anymore

Do you have any alternate accounts on SS13? If so, could you provide their CKEY?: none

Your strengths: I don’t think I would abuse admeme to bwoink people I don’t like unless they actually break rules, however I find that I generally don’t get mad at ss13 and events ingame happening to me

Your weaknesses: If I get actually mad at someone I tend to stop doing stuff kinda so not sure if thats a weakness or strength

Is there anything that gets you really mad, real fast?: People thinking they are right when it takes like, not even that high of an IQ to tell they are actually very much wrong, people not reading rules too

What do you think is the most important trait for a staff member to have?: Patience

What makes a staff team good?: Patience, and ability to handle shitters, not using their admin powers to just ban someone they don’t like

What is a staff team’s purpose?: Moderate the amount of rule breaking, maybe do a few things to allow some fun in the game that would not normally be possible, such as an event, while still making sure people don’t shit on the rules

What kind of player are you?: I honestly don’t know

How do you think you will change once you become a staff member?: Not much probably

The clown slips the HoS and steals his gun, spacing it right after. What do you do?: Teleport it to the station if its actually an antag objective, maybe note the clown, if its MRP however, probably question the clown and possibly ban

A non-antagonist is sabotaging the Atmospherics loop and pumping plasma into the distro, along with dragging around a canister and releasing it into the atmosphere. Assuming that another admin is cleaning up the after-effects, how do you conduct the ahelp with him?: Clearly they have the proper knowledge to do this, so its likely a permaban for griefing and major self antag

A chemist who is working alone accidentally mixes an explosive mixture inside of his chem dispenser, instantly killing himself and destroying the machine, along with exposing Chemistry to space. Nobody else was injured aside from him as a result of his actions. What do you do?: basically just throw the wiki at the guy and tell the guy to not listen to “mix potass water for best chem”


i’d like to give this guy a shot

you +1 my app and make interesting PR things, epic

Ok question time:

1: A non antagonist kills you for absolutely no reason. What do you do? What if you’re the only admin on?

2: You receive an allegation of metacomms between two players. How do you proceed?

3: MRP. The captain orders that all violent criminals are forcibly pacified via surgery. Is this ok?

1: admemes cant handle their own tickets, so call another admin in both cases, if no admin comes on to do it, player report like a normal person I guess except I can use logs.
2: I would probably watch them very closely and possibly do a note stating that there has been alleged metacomms between the 2 players, if they actually do metacommy things like one trying to help the other one when someone attacks him and he doesnt even radio but the other guy comes, permaban cause pretty sure metacomms is instant perma.
3: As far as I know thats perfectly acceptable, unless theres a council ruling I don’t know about, plus its kinda better IMO cause the guy doesn’t get removed from the round by sec shooting them.

Scenario responses look really solid to me, play time is solid, question answers are good in some spots and okay in others. In the past few months there are a few notes on your account. None of the first of two pages are a real problem except for the two murderbone incidents in November.

I will say that while we certainly have problems with server identity right now, your eagerness to ban people might be a little too much. We don’t perma ban for first offense metacomms, and while MRP needs to be fixed up a bit, we don’t want to just ban everyone from it.

I’m going to abstain from voting up or down for now to see how the app plays out. We need the help for sure, and I may be wrong about my impression, but right now overly-aggressive admins may make it worse.


Depending on context you can get instantly permabanned for metacomms. New and confused people get some slack in that regard, but experienced players who metacomm will get slapped if they get caught.

Which is why I would probably observe them for long periods of time and see if they are actually metacomming so I don’t slap people falsely, also I never saw anywhere where new players would get slack on metacomms, and also IMO people have been getting simply wrist slapped for bannable stuff rather than actually being banned from what I have seen lately on MRP

shit, observe people for long periods of time, sounds good on paper

and yes i do like the catgirls that i metacomm with so have a fun time

have a good reign my nigfa

Considering note history, I will not +2, but there are admins with worse notes, and the answers were decent, so +1.

I am not really eager to ban people, just actually get them to all follow the rules of MRP properly, even if it means banning a few people

they taught me how to iron a pair of hiking boots

It all seems good. While, yes, it may come off as *I wanna ban LRPers on MRP reeee," that’s just how a lot of the recent admin apps have been so I don’t see much problem with it.

Adminning on LRP is also a must, so don’t be surprised if they’re 0 admins on Golden and 3 on Sage and now you’re stuck with the LRP.

I personally like adminning on LRP because I can do way more event since I don’t need to make things as “IC” as I have to on MRP

Forgot to put my vote in

T: +4

+1 from me as well, I agree with the consensus of opinion here.

Imma say he’s too sensitive to be a janitor
Mark my words he will be constantly crying about so and so done this so and so done that

Gotta lay neutral. ±0

I lay neutral on this as well; I like the answers, I like the app, but while Crusader’s ban was well deserved, I have to question how well composed you can stay in the face of shitters, which is something you highlighted in your app.

What do you think is the most important trait for a staff member to have?: Patience
What makes a staff team good?: Patience, and ability to handle shitters, not using their admin powers to just ban someone they don’t like

+/- 0
T: +5

For the above reason, and the ones laid out in my original post, I’m gonna bump down to a -1. You take a huge amount of abuse as an admin. Not being able to keep composure and saying things with the intention to spite people isn’t good for the community or yourself.

You’re still in the positive so far. Good luck.
T: +4

Its called I had to deal with his fuckin bullshit for ages, and honestly why he ever got unbanned baffles me, so uh, yeah, being pinged for no reason randomly for a real long time for that idiots amusement kinda is annoying. Like, I have had to deal with him before you even became admins on here.

While pinging is annoying, it’s also not the worst thing to have happen to you; and there will be worse to happen as an admin.
I am neutral on this application, however they seem qualified. I just hope you don’t take yourself too seriously and can fit/mesh well with the community as an admin.