CKEY: themadcat
Admin’s CKEY: bastian0930
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: I believe it’s both
Ban Type: Copypasta
Ban Length: 3 days
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2020-02-03 22:05
Round ID: 12158
Ban Reason: Posted a copypasta in OOC after warnings. Didn’t spam, however
Appeal Reason: For some reason without warning I was banned, if there were warnings then I never received them via PM. I might have been a bit excessive with them but since but due to the number of people also posting it would have been flooded out quickly. Also adding onto the fact I did not spam it makes me feel rather annoyed if I didn’t spam it then why ban me for 3 days? If they did not want me to post it anymore then they could have PM’d me as I stated earlier.
Additional Information: They were also other people posting the same copypasta. If I was the only one banned for this then it is an unjustified ban.