Your CKEY:
Your Discord:
How long have you been playing ss13?:
Since march 2019
Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?:
No one
Game Experience (More Detailed):
I usually play on the MRP server as Coma YS, I’ve got over 800 hours on beestation with lots of experience in science, engineering and medical. I know how to do practically every job and have messed around with lots of niche mechanics.
+2 for sure with your experience, playtime and general attitude I’ve seen online, even before joining staff.
hey, I know this guy, or at least the name
- Over 800 hours
- 0 notes
I’d give more if I could.
T: +6
He’s got 718 spaced out hours. 2+
+1 Clean record, good amount of hours, has experience in every job field. This guy is a good fit as a mentor.
Max of +1 for mentors in mentor apps
800h playtime
Seen them a couple of times in game and they seem a capable player
+1 811 hours and a very good player history.
Accepting after a very positive score!