The Private Files of Detective Gene Leech, NTPD

I struggled for a while trying to translate the most fundamental part of a classic Noir Detective into SS13, the internal monologue. It was hard to get a characters natural inner dialogue going in a game where everything is communicated outwardly or not at all without it feeling forced. I think I’ve settled on the best way to do it with the Captions in Photos method, and I’ve had a few worth saving, so here’s some extracts from the Private Files of Detective Gene Leech, Nanotrasen Police Department:

Crew Dossier

Monologues and Massacres

CASE 01 - The Bartenders Fright

CASE 02 - Flowers for a Stranger

CASE 03 - And a Happy New Year

CASE 04 - Beyond The Veil

CASE 05 - Privatised Eye


I honestly adore the use of photographs as a medium of thought. I have a mime gimmick in mind with a similar theme of internal monologue, but never really knew a way of forwarding it, now i will just steal this.


I like your detective a lot! I hope I can see it in-game myself soon.

Also might just steal this way of labeling photographs. It seems immensely useful besides being delicious flavor text. Whats the specific limit of characters there?

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256 i think. It hurts