The OK Tier Guide to Medical


You require an operating table AND computer. They do not work on stasis beds with attached computers.

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Aye, i will check that when i can play.

You can, it just depends on the cleanliness of the area and factors like what you are doing surgery on and using anesthesia. I think the chances have been increased and decreased over the years, but people just donā€™t want to clean a area/use anesthesia. At this point only roboticistā€™s will have issues with failing surgery steps, medbay is kept clean enough typically for it not to be a issue or by the time blood is everywhere medbay has advanced surgical tools that already have a lesser chance of failing steps

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I had a hard time trying to operate a mimeā€™s ears on the ground of Metaā€™s departures. Failed the last step like 4 times in a row. But generally a table works just fine from what Iā€™ve seen.

next time get a bottle of booze and apply that to them before surgery, that also improves odds.

(no, do not drink it, itā€™s a ā€œpour on area to disinfectā€ type deal, or do drink it you maniac Kalavi smokes durring surgery as brig phys who am I to judge.)

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how do you pour it on? I believe if I tried this I would end up force feeding the man a bottle of vodka

put in beaker, harm intent to splash someone (please dont use the bottle itself, Or do if you want a quick sedation)

Medical sprays should work aswellā€¦ Sterilizine sprays in the vendors are better than most alcohols (+20%) only really beaten by hooch (maybe?) and bacchus. Pure ethanol works in a pinch too at half the bonus.

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I will use this newfound knowledge not only to splash people with illicit substances but also, to knock them out with bottles. Thank you for UNLEASHING ME!




HONEY? I mean it is Sterile the moment itā€™s made but HONEY?

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Honey has antiseptic properties in the real world too.
Itā€™s that strong in SS13 because itā€™s more interesting gameplay wise.

yeah seeing as the only way to get honey is BEES or Apids.
Good luck on either.

well it ā€¦ isssss bee station hehehe

For now i was able to surgicaly remove the all the limbs of a monkey on the floor covered in blood, i was covered in blood too but it didn t fail a single time.
The only thing going for the monkey was that he was anesthesized. I really don t think you can mess an operation except with inadequate tools. I will test it further on other surgeries and with a very awake and screaming monkey next time.

After extensive testing in a bloody messy environment, covered in blood and without glove, on the ground and in dirty maint, i can assure you that cleanliness doesn t affect the success rate of ANY surgery. Even brain surgery.
What i did notice was that operating on the ground is very slow, operating on a stasis bed is around 20% faster than ground. And operating on operating table is around 50% than ground. That s it.

There are a number of factors that can lower success. Self surgery lowers success by alot and some steps may require sterilisation or an operating table to be even possible. Using ghetto tool equivelents such as a screw driver instead of hemo also greatly reduce step success.

Also if i recall mood also affects success chance as well as step action bar speed.

I never managed to do any self surgery. Even with mechanical limbs. But maybe i should take more time to test it.

Alright after watching every feature PR since 2019 i finaly found how self surgey works.
Itā€™s just that itā€™s limited in what you can do by the simple fact you canā€™t do any surgery that would need to use the saw to cut bones on yourself.
Was able to augment my own arm with surgical toolset. Guess i will experiment a bit more. PR said you could self amputate but thatā€™s weird since it uses saw if i remember correctly.
Will test that later. And probably update the wiki for surgery too.

I am hijacking this thread to make a public service announcement

Ethereal blood is NOT the same as their charge. Putting a bleeding out ethereal in a charger will do absolutely nothing for them.

Ethereals are not oozelings. Their blood level is unrelated to their charge.

This is a salt post.


Eh Ethereal? just chug them in a charger.
ā€“ Me to anyone bringing an Ethereal to Medbay

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Oh shit, sorry about that last round. I actually didnā€™t know, I shouldā€™ve took you to medbay sooner.

Charge = hunger, right?