The end of an era

Do this retroactively and delete existing shitposts too!

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Well, that was about time. I thought nothing was going to be done about it. Good to know.


THANK GOD, That was scary as hell! but I’m really happy to see this :^)

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At last, Now, I and other artists, who bring the sweet visual awesomness along side the suggestions threads that aren’t just “add this to the filter” will RULE these forums!


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Good thing we have a flagging system to help remove those kinds of people.

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So like the naming policy thread would just be hidden even though it’s a very rational and well thought out point right? Sounds a bit… like… 1998


The naming policy poll isn’t terrible, it remains open, do not befowl this good thing with salt. because by god are alot of the naming policy threads that are just pure, undeluded fizzle on contact with water sodium grade gamer salt and bitter.

1984, bruh get your references on dem classic commentaries on authoritarian dictatorships right.

If you want to go nuts dunking on how name policy is, discord do just let you make Groupchats and the forum software the site is running may allow for shared messaging, taketh this and form the bee station shadow cabal

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Let he who is without salt shake the first grain! Who is to judge what is salt and what is firey passion for something you believe in? You dare try to defend yourself and you’re arguing and salty, what is that? If a cop pulls you over and goes “ay you were speeding” and you weren’t, do you just… pay the ticket anyway? If you go to get change at a store, and they just don’t give you change at all, is speaking up arguing? What even IS a schitzo thread? And where does the time go?


I have no salt whatsoever.

Please help me my nerves are failing.


why r u destroying the point of general? serious posts can go to #suggestions tho??? :confused:


Gaze up on the words I write and ask yourself the truth in them.

doth when changes come, praychance how many come to question the change in good faith and how many come to cry woe with most fervor, to decry those who uphold this place of their own volition, who have vision for this place and their act to fufill it?

doth when the tides of controversy crash upon the shores this realm, how many come to decry all that this place is and how it has changed, when change is the nature of all realms and to stagnate is to die, must those who make this place suffer the belittlement of all who do not share their vision of said change?

and you and I, here we are speaking our minds upon this realm and neither hold the glyph of patronage nor title of contribution to the realm’s core, who are we to belittle and bemoan and decry it when we have done so little to uphold it?

point if you will at the maggot and his form scorpio, the one who some call the source of all the scourge of bait and bluster, he gives back to this realm in base ways, as all see the glyph of patronage beside his scorpion vissage.


I actually find maggot to be an extremely fair, engaging and very valuable member of our station. Look at his threads, he gives people the benefit of the doubt and is willing to explain behaviors or even rules to people who’d request. To be honest, maggot should 100% be a mentor if not an admin, simply for community presence and help.


as much as the dude stirs the pot, and as much as I cannot get over that fact, the dude is a good part of this place.

time to open the Maggot official admeme advocation thread? or would that be counter to the objectives of this thread?


something something 1984. Probably for the best, all the salt on the forum is probably gonna cause some heart problems


:salt: It’s dangerous to go alone. Take this!

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say are you and @ruko going to retire those bait PFPs if this crackdown turns out to be effective?

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No. It is important to be proud of who you are.

I still have a collection of “This is bait” images and am willing to serve/identify as a professional forum bait consultant.


ok I cannot wait to see the collection of baitsed material.

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Good stuff, no shitposting section but i’ll take this

Major Crew victory


more like a minor crew victory.
You survived, but it’s not the best outcome.

I hope this doesn’t get abused in the future

Also the rate of general thread creation is going to drop 99% now. All it was were people complaining about the rules or shitposting.