Title: Captain on round ID 16510 Player Report
Your Discord:Koolride21#6649
Offender’s CKEY:N/A
LRP or MRP server:MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Captain of game 16510 I forgot the name.
Date (MM-DD-YYYY):05-28-2020
Round Number:16510
Rules Broken: Abusing Captain status by heavy punishment for petty crime
Incident Description: I came in late during the game and I was assigned to lawyer. 15 minutes into the round I brought up using the court house, the HoS agreed and the Captain came to judge, I was the defender. My client was the bartender, his crime, serving a ling a drink.
Before the trail the bar man had no clue there was a ling on board the station. So we went on with the trail and I said my case to the best of my ability, the bartender was just doing his job and serving people who came into his bar.
At the end the Captain found the defendant guilty of high treason and sent the poor bartender to the gulag for the rest of the match where he stayed left on lava land. I am writing this report because that was unfair to the bartender and being charged for treason for doing you job, that’s just crazy. After the match the occ chat agreed that the Captain was abusing his power. Also a admin recommended me to fill out the report!
Additional Information: The Captain also ordered my arrest for calling him a ‘Fake Captain’ for the way he was acting and I was sent to the gulag as well but thankfully I was dead from pressure so it was only my lifeless body.