Terrariola report

Yes, if the ai asked or let non head person enter his upload/chamber, hes at fault.
But, if a hidden upload is made, or the upload chamber got broken into , and ai alerted the crew and tried to defend itself but failed, then the ai is free of all blame

nobody got alerted regarding break ins or anything except for when subverted but they were just mostly screaming about a felinid at that time to

Was subverted via hidden upload and nobody asked me to state laws so.

I asked you to state laws multiple times that round what are you talking about

well, it’s not like I had to.

while that is true was pointing out I did ask you to

And given their laws they are under no obligation to answer you.

Pulled up the round info, found that only one of the BB’s wished to plasma flood the station, wanted to from the start of the round and ended up setting these laws against the wishes of their brother and also putting them at great danger.

Same player ragequit the server for good when they died, but a ban has been applied regardless because while this is their first ban, it’s not their first incident doing almost exactly this: Plasma flooding as BB without the consent of their partner.

Report processed.

Also editting first post and title to include the actual offender

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