Tell me about your spessmen friends

say some nice things about your favourite spessmens, but don’t mention thier name.

i’ll start
absolute friend, saved my dumb ass a lot of times, very good roleplay energy, thank you for existing

Likes my theories 202020

Good lad, always up for a chat, great slapping technique.

Thank you so much to every doctor and engi who has been chill and patient and explained shit to my noob ass.

said sex every time he entered a room
other guy was racist
i miss you gamers :pensive:


There are quite a few friends that I managed to make on a station and I want to thank you all, for saving my ass so many times, for making my shifts less boring, for all the time our characters spent together, for all the funnies. And for just being around. MRP is a better place thanks to you.

I dont think i play regularly enough for anyone to consider me their friend ICly :pensive:
I wanna belive /some/ people atleast recognise my name, but even thats sketchy

a czech, a furry, probalby a great guy but doesn’t know how to read descriptions

no i cant read at all… sorry i cant be like everyone else

A shitsec det in a good way, makes everyone around him say “what the fuck man” and doesn’t shy to empty 5 revolver cylinders with little to no reason on someone/something.

Doesn’t even have to be a sec related role, he just makes the round so much more fun.

There’s also one more dude who will do the extra step to revive me against all odds but will also beat me back into crit if I put cat ears on him.

Best metabuddies ever - I hope they won’t see this :flushed:

Not necessarily someone who I have an IC friendship with.

They started as a Roboticist as I was doing RD things. By the end of the shift this lizard built a full functioning bar+autodoc and more in Robotics Lab. Now I occasionally see them as RD when I play science.
Very based lizard.

They’re kinda fucking dumb not gonna lie motherfucker stabbed an exploding robot with a bayonet and instantly died still cool though

all of my ss13 friends play on skyrat now :slightly_frowning_face:

not me


not me helping people sucks

im both of these people

all of those people where actually played by me on several alts

not me


not me lizards cannot be based

i did this

not me lizards cannot be based


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