SynergyJohn banned by Aeder1

Admin’s CKEY:
Ban Type:
Server ban
Ban Length:
1 day
Ban Date (YYYY/MM/DD/):
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
Spaced someone from the emergency shuttle thinking they spaced a borg, by shoving them.
Appeal Reason:
For a starter, the person deconstructed a wall into the medical area of the emergency shuttle, removing air from it. So I called security (which I will get back to in additional information) stating that an Unknown had broken it, then a cyborg (with a name that was just default, I cannot state it) said to space him, to which I stood back, and the cyborg went and tried to space him themself. At this point the medical area was unsafe without internals, and the borg spaced itself trying to get him, so after the borg was spaced I unbuckled and shoved him, before trying to get someone to fix the unsecured wall. Aeder said in the ticket that I did not call for security that was nearby when I did, and there was active harm coming in.
Additional Information:
Synergy ST1300 states, “Security, someone broke the medical side of the shuttle, an Unknown.”
That’s the text I said, even though Aeder said it apparently wasn’t in logs.


So a couple of things probably happened here
I was the latejoin warden this round, and decided to go patrol shuttle because a space dragon has just died and everyone was leaving.
I walk down to this situation, and the dude doesn’t shoot or do anything hostile, so I just sorta shrug at it because IDK
The borg bolts the door and welds it, apparently predisposed to believe this dude is harm, and I was already half-afk because i was talking to people and yada yada next thing i know both the borg and the guy are gone.
Here’s what I think happened
-Syn sees this guy breaking in, and reports it
-The BYOND bug that occasionally eats text and only displays it to your runechat triggers
-The dude walking in causes the borg to flip, presumably having past experiences with them during the round
-The borg alerts Synergy of harm, and moves to try and remove the threat, slipping out of the shuttle in the process.
-Synergy, seeing no other way out, acts in self defense and shoves the man who he thinks is spacing people out of the shuttle.



I was the spacee

removing air from it

Fastmos is gone. During the 3 seconds for which the wall was removed (and then replaced), the room only lost a tiny amount of air. This feels like a (terrible) excuse, but hey, who am I to judge.

The borg bolts the door and welds it, apparently predisposed to believe this dude is harm

No harm done this round. No prior interactions with borg. However it should be noted that thanks to the space dragon, i also had no ID so showed as unknown. This is still not an excuse for your shittery.

breaking in

I actually went to the shuttle edge from inside, I didn’t come in from space. This was highly visible, mind you. The borg was there when I came in from what I remember.

The dude walking in causes the borg to flip, presumably having past experiences with them during the round

Except there were, as noted earlier, no prior experiences, and “walking in” makes no sense because i went there from inside of the shuttle.

The borg alerts Synergy of harm

There was no harm. the borg just said space him, then the guy spaced me.

Self defense

let’s talk about what happened here. I came into the escape shuttle from the station, deconstructed a wall for seconds and rebuilt it, which causes no harm, made a fake wall below that also caused no harm, then made a chair on the shuttle edge and sat on it. For the duration of this endeavor, air was not compromised. No one was choking and no harm was done. There was no attempt to space anyone. There was no attempt to “break in” because I came from within to begin with. For the duration of this, I didn’t even touch a single person, the only time I interacted with anyone was when I was spaced.

In conclusion, you spaced me for sitting on a chair, and you make me angry.

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Topaz could not breathe in it and needed internals, so I find this false.
You were deconstructing and reconstructing the side for a little hole as well, why?

Topaz could not breathe in it and needed internals, so I find this false.

I haven’t seen a single person choke, including Topaz, however this is irrelevant because…

Based purely on how our atmos currently works, my actions were not capable of causing oxygen loss or any harm, the worst would be several seconds of low oxy in a few tiles, which would then immediately get filled by oxy again from the surroundings, as there were no openings to space. To assume that my actions was dangerous would be a misjudgment on your part alone.

It’s very easy to make it seem like more than it is, but all I did was break a wall and replace it with a window, then make another false wall. Without a pause in these actions, this is not enough to do anything to the shuttle atmosphere, and it didn’t. The question here is whether your assumptions came from unawareness, or if they are an excuse to justify your terrible choice of action.

…what I’m finding more interesting is that the loss of oxygen on Topaz which you claim to know about was never communicated in-game. This leads me to two possibilities: 1 - You saw a single gasp/cough and immediately concluded that the atmosphere was fucked (which is incorrect). 2 - You had metacomms and Topaz complained to you there, causing disproportionate action.

You were deconstructing and reconstructing the side for a little hole as well, why?

I made the false wall for a good reason. I realized I was showing as unknown, so after making the false wall I went back into the shuttle, took off my helmet and mask, and said something like “it’s me.” with my name showing properly. Clearly this had no effect.

All i did was make a chair on the outer tile and sit on it. I will once again note that none of my actions posed any danger to anyone. No breach, no interaction with other crew, just a fucking chair and two people trying to space me. It was done purely to look cool, and you spaced me for it.

I tested this in-game.

  1. A human adjacent to a freshly-spaced window tile took 15 oxygen damage in around 20 seconds. Meaning, yes, it actually does pose an active danger.

  2. “We dont have fastmos anymore” is NOT AN EXCUSE to randomly space the Shuttle. A number of things can happen, including other people being shoved out into space, and is generally just an LRP action.

Thank you to Kapu for testing this, as I do not know the means of how to.

  1. A human adjacent to a freshly-spaced window tile took 15 oxygen damage in around 20 seconds. Meaning, yes, it actually does pose an active danger.

This is not actually an active danger. Unlike most other damage, oxy damage recovers at a fast pace in a habitable environment, 15 oxy damage is effectively nothing. Not only that but your test lasted 20 seconds. Using an RCD, removing a wall, then making a window, has about three seconds or less of spaced-time (nice term). If we converted your test anecdote to brute, it’d sound like “don’t punch people because cleaving them with an axe is deadly” Jeez…

  1. “We dont have fastmos anymore” is NOT AN EXCUSE to randomly space the Shuttle. A number of things can happen, including other people being shoved out into space, and is generally just an LRP action.

Except I didn’t space the shuttle. I immediately closed the tile used. There was no breach or actual loss of air. Why doesn’t anyone read the fucking posts? Now 3 seconds is becoming 20 and spacing one tile is becoming spacing the shuttle. How low can you go with this bullshittery? Just accept that you did a booboo already.

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Can we calm down?
Now while it takes 20 seconds for 15 o2 damage, it takes about 1 for the notification to come up and people to start panicking. While you might know exactly how much damage they’d take in that time, they don’t.

(just to further this point in post, oxygen damage knocks you out at 50, not 100, so people are probably more sensitive to it than other types of damage.)

How about we accept that nobody did a booboo and that everyone acted within the knowledge and means they were provided. Maybe shoving you out of the shuttle was a bit much, but from their limited perspective you just spaced someone and they might be next.

Shit happens. Miscommunications occur. People die. Such is the nature of imperfect players in an imperfect game.

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This is a one day ban. It’s perfectly appropriate for spacing someone like that, and based on the question i was asked, I know the admin accounted for their suspicions when the ban was made.

Despite this, I’m here, looking at this ban appeal, and going through several instances of blatant truth-twisting. It carries a threefold offense. First for the disrespect needed to undermine me instead of taking it with honor. Second for doubting my knowledge of game mechanics. Third for the pettiness. Why isn’t this locked already?

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because no admins have looked at it yet and mentors don’t get lock permissions.

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I am not attempting to undermine it, I have recounted the situation and the others explained their points of view, and I’m appealing it as I feel it was unjust given the circumstances. This spaced wall was right next to an LSU too, mind you.

I went to sleep almost immediately after this round.

There was no log that I saw when going through your says of any mention of security.

From talking to you in ticket it appears you were more concerned that they maybe an antag than any potential momentary oxygen loss, which in the worst case could be fixed by walking anywhere else on the shuttle or putting on your own internals.

To answer any claims about fears of “I might be next” to what you claim to see of a borg being shoved…

You had to go to them. You decided to take the action that led to this. You have many options here for example ;
walking away from any low oxy tiles to adjacent full oxy,
boarding up the wall further to keep them out if you suspect them of something,
going and grabbing security,
Or my personal favourite:ignoring it.

Out of the above. You chose, ‘go through their built wall to get to them so that you can grab and throw/space them’
