Syndicate Base Design Document

Syndicate Base


Crew pop: 30+
Ghost pop: 10+
Server time: 60 minutes
Minimum ghost participation: 5
Constriction: Reduced spawn change with the existance of the Lavaland Syndicate Outpost.


After reading Bacons Design Goal I expanded on his very brief Syndicate Base idea. I hope to achieve two things with this idea. First and foremost, it will become a different smaller faction capable of interacting through trade, violence or diplomacy. Secondly, it will provide a place for the ghosts to RP with each other and possibly antagonise the station or defend themselves from the station, more on that at #hostilites.

The station will be announced after roughly one hour and will be available to travel to by NT using their shuttles. NT station can choose to attack it and the defending Syndicate (ghost roles) or partake in diplomacy. The possibility of diplomacy will hopefully be an option in this depending on the given objectives and interests both stations has. The Syndicate has no way to get to the NT station and any crew member will explode if they leave the station without having their implant extracted. Extracting the implant as a Syndicate Station crew and not forcefully by NT crew will result in a ghost ban.


The Syndicate Station will consist of the bare minimum departments, similar to the Syndicate Outpost with no possibility of gaining access to the NT station. It will consist of a Medbay, Chemistry, Cargo, Armoury, EVA, R&D, Robotics, Kitchen-Bar-Hydroponics, Atmospherics, Solar Panels, Tech Storage, High Command (bridge), and a docking port.

Proposed initial station layout. The station is expected to be sustained by as little as five crew members with the possibility of them to flex between departments or simply not touch it.

Medbay & Chemistry

The department will include the bare minimum with the top of the line Syndicate equipment with the exception of any revival items.

Cargo, Armoury & EVA

These will be part of the same department and be the only way for the Syndicate to aquire additonal gear, materials or send in objectives. Additionally communication and camera survailience can be found here, but they can not communicate with the station.

R&D & Robotics

These will provide machinery upgrades and heavy mechanized combat mechs to the station in the event of an attacking force.


This is one small department and is more of a factory for producing donk pockets with beneficial health benefits. When created with chemicals doubles the injected chemicals effect, both positive and negative. Same applies to the crated Syndicate drinks.

Atmospherics, Solar panels & Tech storage

Firstly, Atmospherics contains only the bare minimum for ensuring the station is at a proper safe atmospherical environment.

Secondly, Solar panels is the stations main power source with one or two emergency uranium PACMAN and a very limited uranium supply.

Third and final, Tech storage is the only source of circuits boards and it has a very generous amount of boards from various tech stages. Excluded boards are those related to AIs, teleportation, and shuttles.

High Command & Docking Port

Acting as the front door and the bridge of the station. This room will serve as a mess hall and a main connector to the rest of the station.


Syndicate Firing Pin

Only allows the Syndicate from the Syndicate Station to fire the weapon. Can be used as a traitor check by NT for any infiltraiting Syndicate Station agents (not normal traitors).

Syndicate MedicalFab

Constructs common and Syndicate equipment for use in the Medical Field.

Syndicate TechFab

Constructs common and Syndicate equipment for use in the machines upgrades and construction.

Syndicate WeaponFab

Constructs common and Syndicate equipment for use in the Offensive and Defense field.


The mechs are constructed in Robotics using a high number of plastitanium and specialized boards only obtainable from Cargo at a high cost.

Available mechs are: Marauder, Death Ripley, Mauler, Dark Gygax.

Cargo Orders


  • Iron, exessively cheap.
  • Plastitanium, expensive.
  • Plasma exessively expensive.
  • Marauder boards, exessively expensive.
  • Death Ripley boards, expensive.
  • Mauler boards, expensive.
  • Dark Gygax, exessively expensive.


  • Plasma, extremely expensive.
  • AI, teleportation, shuttle, combat mech (Durand, Gygax and Phazon), and other NT exclusive boards, expensive.
  • NT weapons, decently expensive.
  • Xenobio slimes, expensive.
  • CC gear, extremely expensive.
  • ID with AA.
  • Advanced Medical Tools, decently expensive.
  • Advanced Engineering Tools, decently expensive.

TODO expand this to include more basic items, contraband and a specific price.


Both the NT and Syndicate station will have one or several objectives with additional ones being added occasionally with additional reinforcement (ghost spawns).

NT Objectives

  • “disable X department” and it may be a non-critical department to the station or a department of which NT can compensate for the lack of it. This would be calculated by how many areas of the related department is powered.
  • Wiping it out entirely or a certain amount of Syndicate crew.
  • Rescue an NT official, simple. Could be bought with money or other things.
  • Assassinate a high ranked Syndicate Officer.
  • Collect X item from the Syndicate.
  • Plant X amount of radios, GPSs and other surveillance items on the opposing base.
  • Siphon power or a given gas from the Syndicate.
  • Implant a survailience device in a Syndicate Station crew member.

Syndicate Objectives

  • Send one infiltraitor to the station and return with X item. They will not have an explosive implanted into themselves.
  • Send one infiltraitor to the station and plant X amount of radios, GPSs and other surveillance items on the opposing base. They will not have an explosive implanted into themselves.
  • Send one infiltraitor to the station and get X amount of money, resources or technology. They will not have an explosive implanted into themselves.
  • Wipe out an X amount of NT crew.
  • Execute the NT official in a slow fryer (20+ minutes).
  • Implant an unactivated Swarmer drone in a scrubber or ventilation duct (can’t be activated).


  • If possible, all spawned and created contraband items will have an internal self destruct and acid itself once it leaves the Syndicate Station. This doesn’t apply to capture items.


This is an ambitious idea and I have not done any actual work on this of any sort. In fact, I am writing all this on my phone. I want to know what y’all think of this as I am aware of the discouragement of adding content outside of the actual NT Station. Additionally, I do doubt my ability to implement this, but I can dream!


I was thinking of ideas on how to improve the lavaland syndicate base, so that it could actually use all 4 sleeping agents, rather then 1 comms agent and 3 defenders who “Magically” wake up only when a miner is trying to break in. But this sounds great and I love the idea, having cargo bounties for syndies is a good way to keep them occupied untill they have something to work with.

I was brainstorming, what if instead of using money to buy only materials, they could instead order low threat events, like Comms blackout, Ion Storm or Fake announcement.

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That sounds neat! And what if they could then order supply drops to be dropped on the station and its coordinates relayed to all Syndicate Agents directly? It’d probably be a silent drop and check if anyone is nearby within a set distance. It would give Syndies more gear and give a pesky Security Officer an opportunity to ambush any slow Syndicate. The gear would probably be random low cost stuff.

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I don’t think they should have their own little mirco station environment, but for it to be more heavily focused on making what they need in the moment with no chance to prepare. As soon as they spawn in Command would be alerted too. Meaning within 5 to 10 minutes you could have attacking forces or diplomats. Meaning you’d have to establish a form of communication and figure out what they want and what you want while also preparing for a possible battle. Only after maybe first contact can you worry of doing anything related to prepation. And depending on how it goes you may have a lot of time or no time. Things Syndicate Cargo mostly will be selling would be NT thing. Plasma for example would be invaluable along with Bluespace Crystals. AI, teleportation and other NT exclusive things would also be sold for a ton of money. Question NT personnel has… is it worth it? Syndicates wants 10 AI core boards to sell them (at least most, who knows?) and you need to rescue a CC official. Do you make the trade and benefit the Syndicate or go in loud but dangerous? It’d be an act of balance and interests. To encourage this I think there should also be a score board displaying exactly how much the Syndicate made.

seems pretty Neat and a good overhaul for the now disfunctional Lavaland syndi base (RIP VIRO)
Most explorers would probably find the base within the hour mark if it spawned just in space not to mention current design looks pretty cheesable with space bases being extremely easy to raid by just docking right next to them and bypassing turrets besides that its Pretty cool but it might suffer the same problem with gateway and get yoinked for all gamer loot by the overzealous immortal mining machines
(also syndicate could be able to export some really sick chemicals as the emagged chemdispenser is Peak)

It won’t be accessible prior to the ghosts’ spawning. I and many others don’t want an empty place with next to zero risk and tons of loot.

I hope it would be possible to add a tag on all contraband and gamer loot so that it can either not be used by NT staff and can’t be taken back to the station with an exception of a controlled specific group of items.

According to space law, it is a 206 to possess items not made by nanotrasen or its subsidiaries. Therefore only a select few items that were made by NT can be brought back, in which all you have to do is simply go “Hey this was stolen, but it’s still NT therefore its legal.”.
But of course that will depend on if security will be both willing and able secure the gamer gear.
Otherwise Cursed killers point still stands


Likewise also a possible 306 if it happens to be things like syndicate guns or mechs or anything with the sole purpose of harming other people.

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