Supersjump banned by Hollandaise


**Admin’s CKEY:**hollandaise

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both

Which server did the ban happen on? LRP

Ban Type: Server

Ban Length: 5 Day

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 12/05/2020

Round ID: 24723

Ban Reason: “As nonantag botanist, made over 30 “hell grenade” plants. Later on they get shot with a syringe seemingly at random and they respond by detonating one of the hell grenades, which caused a large plasma flood in the main hall. Then soon after that they see an abductor and promptly detonate two more grenades, filling more of the main hall with burning plasma. Self defense and validhunting are not valid excuses to completely destroy large sections of the station.”

Appeal Reason: Mischaracterizes the event, and Rule 4: “You may defend yourself against others in any way you are capable, but you must avoid escalating the situation if possible.”

“As nonantag botanist, made over 30 “hell grenade” plants”

Saying this just to clarify, it was one plant harvested a few times, not entirely filling botany with deadly plants (which would be extreme.) Making this gene modded plant was something I did while rolling strange seeds on the biogenerator. “Hell”-mixes are generally used to describe chems capable of destroying most objects from players to floortiles.“Hell Grenade” which I renamed the plant, was for the namesake of the contents of the plant, which were ~10% plasma, ~10% burning spore toxin, and ~10% Nar’sour (which IIRC makes people temporarily speak cultish), and not for a hellmix effect.

“Later on they get shot with a syringe seemingly at random and they respond by detonating one of the hell grenades”

Huh, what? The attacker in this case not only followed me through the hall, but tried to apply zipties after I was downed. At some point admin claimed in the conversation that the syringe was empty. This cannot be true given that the effect of the syringe put me into stun then later into sleep. Between getting stunned and the other player attempting to zip-tie me, I managed to move left and squash a plant in my hands.

“which caused a large plasma flood in the main hall”

After I squashed a plant, smoke emitted and plasma quickly spread through the area. I then was knocked unconscious from the drug. There was more plasma in the area than I thought, which now that I think about it, may be just due to the appearances of fastmos. The attacker left the scene and I was left on the ground sleeping in a firesuit. A broken light fixture then sparked and set the area on fire. In hindsight, my actions were the only way for me to survive at that point, which I want to point back at rule 4.

“Self defense and validhunting are not valid excuses to completely destroy large sections of the station.”

I somewhat agree with this point. However, none of what I did completely destroyed large sections of the station. The fires lasted about 10 seconds and the only damage to the (Box)station were burnt floor tiles in the hallway between bar and medbay. This was not a catastrophic atmos-to-distro plasma flood, tesloose, or maxcap. Nor was I chain-throwing these plants in the station.

“Then soon after that they see an abductor and promptly detonate two more grenades, filling more of the main hall with burning plasma.”

This was immediately after waking up and leaving the scene. This was not validhunting, I was still in fight mode and the abductor (which I thought was a contractor) had stun-baton another member of botany which I tried to defend.

Additional Information: -

In what universe is it proper escalation to turn the halway into a blazing inferno in response to being shot with a syringe. Based on the rest of your post I think you underestimate the power of burning plasma on a fastmos system.

If one person hits you, huge AoE weapons are generally out of the question as reasonable.


Just because it didn’t burn a hole In the floor doesn’t mean it’s safe to walk through there. Plasma burns very hot and can make an area uninhabitable, even if it’s only 10 seconds (and that’s more than enough to destroy an area)

Firstly, thank you for the replies. However I have some issues with your responses.

“If one person hits you, huge AoE weapons are generally out of the question as reasonable.”

Rule 4 contradicts your statement. It states you may defend yourself against others in any way you are capable. That implies the use of any destructive tool, but to be fair, you must avoid escalating the situation if possible. However, this case was neither escalation nor possible to avoid.

“In what universe is it proper escalation … in response to being shot with a syringe.”

The attacker made an attempt to kidnap me using sedatives, a syringe gun, and zip-ties. I had seconds to react. It is a clear case of self defense.

“to turn the halway into a blazing inferno”

How many mols of plasma constitutes a blazing inferno? 1000mols? 10mols? 0.1mols? Engineering was one of my first departments and the destructive power of plasma should not be overstated either.

“Just because it didn’t burn a hole In the floor doesn’t mean it’s safe to walk through there. Plasma burns very hot and can make an area uninhabitable, even if it’s only 10 seconds (and that’s more than enough to destroy an area)”

This was a low-volume fire. In this case, no damage was done inside a department, not even that much done to the hallway, and no one died at the time or as a consequence of the fire. There was much lower actual risk of anyone dying by me squashing the plant, and there was no other option for me to take before I gave my life up to someone else.

This was self-defense and need to know why rule 4 should not apply.

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Okay you say it wasn’t that bad and it stopped burning pretty quick, that’s because I removed all the plasma and fixed the atmos when I realized you weren’t an antag. I know from experience that the amount of plasma there would’ve happily eaten through the hull and at least made all adjacent rooms inhospitable.

It just isn’t a proportionate response to getting syringed to make the entire main hall hell for everyone except you, since you were wearing a firesuit, which implies you knew they would at least make some fire.

Yes… that is definitely escalating the situation. I also swore it said “within reason” before the escalation bit, but it seems I was wrong.

I feel like there should be some leeway if your life is on the line and you’re about to be knocked out by chems.

Closing due to ban expiration + Both admins that posted were in favor of ban. I don’t see this being an adjusted note, but @Hollandaise can feel free to correct me and re-open the appeal.