Your CKEY: Sumter
**Your Discord: Crypt Keeper#2848 **
How long have you been playing ss13?: 663 hours. I only play beestation.
Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: N/a
Game Experience (More Detailed): I’ve played this game almost as long as any other game I’ve ever played that tracks playtime. I have an in-depth knowledge of how to play almost any role on the station from clown to captain. I know how many of the different races work, like the IPC, in which few players ever bother learning the mechanics for or how to revive one. I know a lot about what the AI can do to help the crew and protect itself. I even have a basic understanding of atmospherics and how to properly set up each of the engines. I also know how to perform most surgeries and the best ways to revive a dead person. If there is anything specific you would like ask me, I’d probably know the answer to it.