Suggestion for updating the "IMPORTANT" join message

Everyone knows about the graphics setting change by now, that message has been there forever already.
I suggest replacing that message with the following:

“We have zero tolerance policy for sexual content, racism, bigotry, or slurs. This includes copypastas like WGW.”

I was gonna PR this on github but it seems this MOTD thing is just a config option.


I agree with this, some gamer just got a permaban (appealed) for posting WGW in announcements.


Good suggestion, I agree; but I must also suggest adding a footnote saying “Being racist towards people IC (Without using derogatory words or words that are derived from them) is okay.”

There is no need to post encouragement to be mean, just a fair warning where the line goes is good enough.

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Quite the contrary, people should know what they can and can’t do.

They can find that information in the rules, which they should probably read anyway.

Nothing wrong with a little bit more of information. Not like what you’re proposing isn’t already in the rules :stuck_out_tongue:

The zero tolerance needs to be better highlighted, since it’s now a few of the things that will lend you an instant permaban, no questions asked. Unlike anything else in the rules, which can and will be forgiven eventually.

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Yeah, it’s even more important to let them know about the “exception”!

This is a good suggestion and I hope it’s done. Change is slow even if you don’t want it to be, and always requires informing.

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@Crossedfall I believe you’re one of the few people who can edit this?

You can still PR config options

I couldn’t find our config in the repo though, I’d have to rewrite the entire MOTD.
And I’m not sure how it’s formatted.