Stop forcing random traitor job

I have my settings to give me a selection of a few jobs I’m still interested in doing in this game, or kick me to the lobby if I don’t roll them. The problem is that antagonist is rolled before job rolls, and if you land traitor but not your desired job, the game will randomly place you in a job that you had no interest in playing. I have to late-join to avoid this, and at that point I’m practically giving up any chance of being a role I like due to slots being filled. I’ve also thought of just simply suiciding at round start if I roll traitor on a job I don’t like, which is a waste of the antag. Can we please fix this to either give someone who rolled antag their job choice, or make it so someone else gets antag if someone has set to be an observer or get kicked to the lobby if they didn’t get the job they want even though they WOULD of been antag? I might be the only person who has this problem, but I DO NOT want to be forced to be an antag on a job I have no business doing, and I don’t want to be a shitter and simply ignore the job.

-You can disable traitoring in your game options.
-Joining immediately after the game starts instead of being ready usually makes sure you aren’t a traitor.

You should generally be able to get a job change unless the HoP that round is dickish

I don’t want to NOT be a traitor ever, only if I get rolled one as well as a job i like.

I play LRP. there’s either no HOP or he’s not doing his job/being a dick.

You would actually give up your antag role because you got a job you didn’t like? That’s just one of the fun struggles. As a traitor you don’t even need to do your assigned job especially as an antag (double so that it’s on LRP as well) So long as your wearing something that matches the department colors that your trying to get into they will half the time never look at you twice.