Species Differentiation

Its not like any of this is getting in anyways, i just want to talk shit.

It would be unbalanced if SS13 was about combat but itā€™s not for the most part and if concept of races is too complex for people who are supposed to set up SM reactors and operate on other people etc. then they might just want to play Among us sus vented.
And combat with other races is already unbalanced with IPC made out of glass, blind moths and deaf cats.
I feel that disadvantages of other races are more pronounced than advantages making humans the ultimate power gaming race with no downsides and others just crippled RP gimmicks.

recolour all blood, give IPCs oil as blood. more blood. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!

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Bad news.

On TG/BEE Derived codes, yes, yes it is.

The rules dont really reflect that when 80% of the time you are discouraged from engaging in combat.I would say the rules are the basis of gameplay here not code but what do I know.

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The code is literally the game and the gameplay itself.
The rules are admins politely asking you to not do what the game is focused on.

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Code is the game but gameplay can be whatever you want in this case admins want. You can make server called farming simulator station with only botanist growing tomatoes on bee code and that would not make the gameplay combat oriented just because of the code, it is the rules that tell us what to do like : do your job or dont valid hunt etc.
That in my opinion is what makes ss13 great that the code doesnā€™t lock you into any gameplay instead every server can offer itā€™s own gameplay depending on rules even on same code just look at golden and sage that are quite different even when they share code and players.

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The more rules diverge from the code, the worse a game becomes.


this would require adding spiecies bans for people who abuse this too much imo

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Ive done this by accident.
It sends you to the coder shadowrealm.

Also, guillotine wont kill you, but god forbid you put SOMEONE ELSES head on.

More like respresented by a scalie from 1-100 ahahahahahahahhahahhasgmjysg6uydryh

Ye so CAN IT JANNIE iam completly IN MY RIGHT to drag the SM through the hallway to throw the clown into it

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Go on, host that, see how long it will take until botanists start using the grief based botany codeā„¢ to murder each other.

Dunno, they feel almost like the same server to me, just that sage has higher pop and all the differences coming from it.


Would not work for LRP.

This would basically just be: alt/generic name and description a trait for lizards and examine code that reads off the appropriate description based on trait. Not sure how well it would work with the mousing over portion.

Iā€™d imagine it could be an extension of appearance bans, basically start everyone whitelisted for races and they act a shitter? Revoke.

And this is with or without combat changes. Combat changes per race? Everyone picks the robust race. No combat changes? People stick with their usual/ the status quo race(I want to say human but :shrug:).