Sparrow Baker Feedback

So. I’ve found out a few things playing Sparrow.

Playing a deaf character is fucking hard and tedious! So I changed Sparrow a bit.
Leaking NT Documents makes the server go wacko

She is not deaf but has a ringing in her ears [kind of like tinnitus but also like a buzzing fog in your head] that make speaking hard. She can still talk but her words get fucked up. I kind of find it funny that some people kind of read it as she’s got a slower mind or something but really she just struggles to speak, especially about certain topics.

If y’all have any feed back for Sparrow send it! Honestly struggling with her a bit.

Her reference sheet is: Sparrow Baker Character Sheet - Google Docs

Also a good sound of how she speaks is:

[Only issue is it’s a guy’s voice but you get the idea. Her ‘accent’ is mostly her slurring her speech because the ringing’s over powering her brain a bit.]

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