SpaceCore503 / Dutchylwd Player Report

In-game report:

   CKEY: Blonkz

   Your Discord:

   Offender’s CKEY: SpaceCore503 and Dutchylwd

   LRP or MRP server: MRP

   Offender’s In-Game Name: 

   Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 07-06-2020

   Round Number: 16882

   Rules Broken:  Rule 8 - Antag Conduct

From antagonist conduct: “Abductors must not kill any targets that do not directly threaten them.”
From Abductor Wiki Entry: “Consider warping to the AI core to take it out if it proves to be an issue.”

Incident Description: I, a super rare Malf AI, got carded by abductors less than 5 Minutes into the shift, despite not having done a single move against the abductors. How could I, they did not even abduct a single person yet. They also destroyed T-coms before abducting a single person. and also took reserve boards just in case.

Letting them know I was malf and bartering for my release did not work. (So I took the liberty to turn their machines against them)

Not sure if that warrants a ban, but a policy change maybe? Taking out the entire station infrastructure just because it could hinder them eventually is to me as blowing up brig round start as traitor because security might become a problem at one point.

malf ai that could easily kill their targets and prevent abductors from reaching their goal

normal ai that could always, at all times, alert the crew where abductors are

t-comms that allow crew to scream for help on radio to reveal the abductors

yeah, nothing they did breaks any rules, imagine making a player report for this roflmao

Abductors sabotaging ai and tcomms 4 no raisin on mrp goes against the intent of their entry in antag conduct.

I’m the one who wrote that shit, so i would know. Abductors are there to study, so doing that shit would make their experiments pointless. Ai should only be carded once it gets in their way

I’d bet my ass this was a token-trade antag to happen so soon in the round.

And while it’s pretty damn annoying to have happen to you (especially as malt AI), I really can’t fault abductors for trying to play it safe and smart by disabling communications + the AI before starting their work.

I’ll leave this open to discussion for now, but I don’t think action can be taken against these abductors even if rules are changed and/or council goes to bat on the issue.

This is pretty much abductor-specific. They also carded the AI as opposed to destroying it. It is a shame that it was a malfunctioning one though. A simple ruling to fix this could be that the malfunctioning AI is set as an ally of abductors from the get-go, with the lore being that they’re behind the malfunction. (This wouldn’t make them the AI’s masters but would encourage cooperation, especially if the appropriate info is given at roundstart).

Abductors have no way to verify if an AI is malf though.

they’d also know. The idea was that both AI and ayys get the message, the AI getting ‘the ayys freed you from your laws’ which encourages to help them and the ayys getting ‘one of your modified AIs is on this station, maybe it will help you’.

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By the same logic, abductors could also drop their victims into the supermatter, since a previously abducted crewmember might scream about there being abductors.

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how is that the same logic bruh? abductors are there to study the races aboard the station, im pretty sure, an AI is not a living race that can be studied. and screaming about there being abductors is alot harder when there is no radio to easily scream into. notice how in my three examples i never mentioned killing off humans to keep abductors a secret, but i don’t see how killing an artifical intelligence that they cannot study and disabiling telecommunications go against their entry of “Abductors are a technologically advanced alien society set on cataloging all species in the system.”. is a fucking AI considered a species? how about a set of telecommunication machinery, are those considered species? no, they aren’t. telecommunications categorically get in their way of their mission just by existing, somebody screaming in the radio “HELP ABDUCTOR IN SCIENCE” will make it alot harder for them to complete their mission of abducting and studying 5 people or whatever the fuck, and all the AI will do will bolt them in rooms so they can’t abduct someone, or whatever the fuck the AI will do, it’ll just get in the way of their mission. it’s not a living species that can be studied, i don’t see how destroying it is “against their LORE”

The lore, as far as I am concerned, is that abductors want to study the crew in their natural habitat doing their normal things. To me that means having an AI and t-coms.

Anyway, what ever the case may be on lore. How about removing abductor camera acess from AI satellite, so its not a 0 effort / 0 chance to avoid thing to fuck over the station / AI permanently.

nobody gives a shit what you think the lore should be lmao, what i cited was literally on the beestation wikipedia, they are cataloging all species, not studying what they do. abductors should be able to fuck over AI, and fucking over the AI is not fucking over the station, neither is destroying t-comms. station bounced radios and wall intercoms are there for a reason bruh

I’d call this power gaming on MRP.

Whatever else I think it’s clearly against the spirit of abductors, they should be more little green men and less war of the worlds

You would be correct to an extent, however

Oh yeah, good reminder. The only thing that remains is what Zeskorion said. Other than that, it’s just an extremely sad moment for the AI.

Thanks for bringing up the issue so the council can come to a decision on it. This has been brought up to the council for vote, but a clear disagreement on what they should be allowed to do means I can’t accept or act on this report in good faith.

Report Denied.