In-game report:
Title: [Offender’s CKEY] Player Report
CKEY: Nildo1
Your Discord:
Offender’s CKEY: Siurmaster
LRP or MRP server:
Offender’s In-Game Name:
Date (11-24-2020):
Round Number: 24350
Rules Broken: Broke law 2 law as an asimov borg
Incident Description: I bought a slime corgi puppy I made myself onto the shuttle when the borg called U N G I hit it once. I told him to stop and he just yelled "PUPPY" and kept hitting on it. I kept telling it to stop, specifically saying to stop harming the puppy and he just did that same thing until it was dead.
Additional Information:
Incident Description: I brought a slime corgi puppy I made myself onto the shuttle when the borg called U N G I hit it once. I told him to stop and he just yelled “PUPPY” and kept hitting on it. I kept telling it to stop, specifically saying to stop harming the puppy and he just did that same thing until it was dead.