Shuttle ping-pong rule question

So the previous round CC wouldn’t allow a heretic to call the shuttle anymore, but I was very certain this was allowed. I am this certain because a previous time when I was a traitor myself I asked if constant recalling was allowed as long as I was really trying to do my objectives (which I was) and they said yes, it was fine to do.
The rules say that constant recalling to stall the round is not allowed or for a reason given by a player being “not done with objectives yet” and an example is given if a ling hasn’t done any objectives in an hour and constantly recalls then that’s shuttle ping ponging. This leads me to believe that whatever was in quotations was an excuse given in bad fate and that they weren’t really recalling because of their objectives, but just to stall, which is not allowed.

Now since the heretic last round constantly tried to do his objectives and only recalled when he had to is this allowed? The rules say it is not, but they seem to imply that it is with the quotations and example and all as well as an admin telling me I was allowed to do it in an ahelp (this was on MRP as well, the last round was on LRP).

Also, sorry Sergei, I wasn’t trying to annoy you, I just really wanted to know if it was allowed or not.

From what I’ve seen, it’s all about sensibility.
Recall it once or twice and the round is still early? Pretty fine; if it’s early enough even the admins might intervene.
1 hour round and you’re about to recall it for the third+ time? Yeeeeeeeh…

It’s the same for both servers.

Whenever ping pong happens it’s up to the admin to look at the state of the round and decide whether the round should come to an end or keep going. The best way to find out is to ahelp when ping-pong is happening. The one absolute time that a recall should never happen is after a transfer vote calls it.

Factors an admin takes into account when dealing with a ping pong situation:

  • What seems to be the majority player opinion
  • How many players are removed from the round
  • What condition is the station in
  • How long has the round been going on (memory leaks mean a crash is eventually inevitable)
  • Do the people calling/recalling have a valid reason (and on MRP, valid authority) to be making the calls/recalls.

If a large number of players are removed from the round, station is a mess or round has been dragging on without resolution to major issues, chances are the person recalling will be smited.

If there are very few dead, station is fine and someone is calling just out of boredom rather than waiting for transfer vote, chances are the one calling will be smited.

Each situation is different and there is no absolute way to define which side they should take, and as a living player you will have a more limited scope of knowledge than the admin making the decision.

Alright, that makes sense. I wished it was a bit more clear in the rules though, thanks :D.

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