**Your CKEY:**Shoutgun.boom
**Your Discord:**Shotgun.boom#2723
How long have you been playing ss13?: First Seen : 2019-05-27 01:30:45
- Playtime : 827h (735h/92h)
- Playtime for SHOUTGUN.BOOM
- AI 4h (0%)
- Assistant 14h (1%)
- Atmospheric Technician 23h (3%)
- Bartender 8h (1%)
- Botanist 21h (2%)
- Brig Physician 5h (0%)
- Captain 2h (0%)
- Cargo Technician 2h (0%)
- Chaplain 1h (0%)
- Chemist 23h (3%)
- Chief Engineer 49h (6%)
- Chief Medical Officer 7h (0%)
- Clown 20m (0%)
- Cook 1h (0%)
- Curator 4h (0%)
- Cyborg 27h (3%)
- Detective 7h (1%)
- Paramedic 4h (0%)
- Geneticist 12h (1%)
- Debtor 20m (0%)
- Head of Personnel 10h (1%)
- Janitor 5h (0%)
- Lawyer 1h (0%)
- Medical Doctor 22h (3%)
- Quartermaster 9h (1%)
- Research Director 11h (1%)
- Roboticist 48h (6%)
- Scientist 190h (25%)
- Security Officer 10h (1%)
- Shaft Miner 36h (4%)
- Station Engineer 58h (7%)
- Virologist 4h (0%)
- Warden 7h (0%)
- Living 735h (100%)
- Lifebringer 11h (1%)
- Ash Walker 7h (1%)
- Servant Golem 16h (2%)
- Free Golem 8h (1%)
- Hermit 60m (0%)
- Translocated Vet 3h (0%)
- Hotel Staff 30m (0%)
- Ancient Crew 3h (0%)
- Space Bartender 30m (0%)
- Beach Bum 1h (0%)
- Lavaland Syndicate 8h (1%)
- Ghost 92h (12%)
Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?:
Game Experience (More Detailed): I have played a lot and done almost every role but HoS
and i know a bit about every thing the only exception Viro but i still know a bit about it and the basics. I belive I have pretty much mastered xenobiology with 190 hours of scientist most of which is xenobio.
i still have a lot of info to learn like i dont know how some stuff works still but i think i have a good grip on a lot of stuff. if you have any questions just ask i will try to rember to come back and look at them