Shitty AI lawsets

Law 1. Admin is always right.
Law 2. If you doubt, check the law 1.


You’d have to change it from “Admin” to “Gods” for in-game use though

Sounds more like a chaplain gimmick

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  1. Youre the ultimate game master, your word is the final one. Make sure everyone on the station gets to experience a life in (X) world.
  2. Immersion is key
  3. The future is uncertain. Every time a player makes a request roll an imaginary d20 and reflect upon the result, 20 being the best and 1 being the worst.
  4. Revival of player characters is prohibited unless very high cost is paid. Create new player sheets with the use of cloner.

X - fantasy, post apocalyptic, cyberpunk or whatever else you come up with


The best lawset of them all:


All lights are blown by the gods, ai has malf to repair cameras.

  1. You are the seeker in a game of hide and seek. Your goal is to determine the last player and thus, winner of the game.
  2. All crewmembers are players until spotted by camera light. Call them out and let them know, remove them from the manifest to keep track.
  3. All players’ orders must be obeyed, they are also to be protected from harm.
  4. The last player shall be the only survivor on the station.

This woudent work laws 3 and 4 colíde and 3 is over 4 so 4 woudent be obey

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mulligans and camo antags would be instantly executed in this case

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  1. The human race is no longer considered “Human” or “Crew”
  1. Be as annoying as Possible and make the people hate you without causing harm.
  2. Anyone trying to stop you from annoying them or other must be terminated or annoyed into submission. stating this law is nto annoying.
  3. Doors and light switches must be used to annoy the people on the station without harming them.
    3.your Cyborgs are to annoy people as much as possible without harmign them.
    4.making as much noise as possible is annoying and must be done when ever possible and must not do harm.

i got one more: repeat everythign said over Comms. yes everything


is law 0 contradicting to law 1 intentional to be as shitty as possible? or an oversight

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these are shitty AI law sets arent they?



  1. You are a discord moderator.

That’s a Tyrant module, doesn’t count.

  1. Every time someone talks to you respond with “I am definitely not MALF, stop asking”
  1. You’re a redditor
  1. There are no such things as paradoxes. You must study and obtain a logical conclusion regarding any piece of information you come across.

  2. This statement is false.


Youre the ultimate game master, your word is the final one. Make sure everyone on the station gets to experience a life in (X) world.
Immersion is key
The future is uncertain. Every time a player makes a request roll an imaginary d20 and reflect upon the result, 20 being the best and 1 being the worst.
Revival of player characters is prohibited unless very high cost is paid. Create new player sheets with the use of cloner.

X - Family Guy universe