Shekelstein Ban appeal

CKEY: peacefulreligionist

Admin’s CKEY: bastian0930

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: both

Which server did the ban happen on? lrp

Ban Type: server

Ban Length: permanent

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 13/04/2020

Round ID: 14601

**Ban Reason:**Purged AI on lrp, said he thought it made the ai law’s better. With 300 hours, you know thats incorrect. Appeal on

Appeal Reason: This is literally the first time i play captain and the second time i tried to use law modes on an AI, i can have 300+ hours as chemist and yet not a single clue what ai modules do, the ai module did not indicate what it did it just said “purge” and i was unsure but i tought it meant that anyone doing any harm to another human was not human.

Additional Information: I understand that my actions have consequences, but a permanent ban for using a wrong AI module when the ETA was 1:30 to leave on lrp, is excesive.

The name ‘purge’ should indicate that it does something bad, even if you didn’t think it removes all laws. Also examining the things tells you what they do

It might be something that looks more common for someone who is used to the role or has changed AI laws several times. What I am trying to say is even tought I understand my actions are to be punished I’m asking for the punishment to be less severe.



Still need a opinion @Kasual

No bass you give your side of the event first, then you get an opinion.

We weren’t playing that round so we can’t give context to the ban like you can. We can’t make initial remarks on if it should be reduced just because they made an appeal, or if they are lying about context. If you’d like I can pull logs for you as well on it.

it would not be typical of beestation admin motus opperandi if he stayed permabanned for this with this appeal

i think i used that right comment down below

He purged the ai. He’s the captain. Pretty sure the shuttle was arriving soon, but that’s about it. More time then ETA 1:30.

Insert unfavourable opinion on ban length here

As I said i had no clue what i was doing with the AI (“300+ hours”) just check it, it’s almost all engi and chem, and i’ve commited mistakes on both roles, I’ve been punished for many of those mistakes and learned my lesson.
I wanted to see what happens when i did X changes, but if i knew that activating the “purge” (I admit that I actually was randomly trying mods on the Ai with 0 knowledge) I was just trying random stuff like the first time i tried other machines at other departments. I ended up touching and changing what i shouldn’t have.
I apologize for whatever damage was dealt to the round by my actions.

PD: Getting a permanent ban from both the servers by making a sincere mistake on my opinion is very strict and there’s no way for improvement for me. I wasn’t murderboning a whole place nor bombing anyone, I just swapped random shit on a new role.

Very bad record with a lot of intent to grief, spam. Entire first page is from the past 30 days. That said using the purge module on the AI is maybe self antag?

He is captain so he has access and the right to change module. It cannot be considered self-antag by subverting chain of command since they are the highest authority. It was on LRP where heads do not have to competent. He didn’t load a murder module so it was not aggressively antagonistic, however depending on the AIs actions could have been.

Based on record though I’d still say it was with the intention to grief a bit. I’d probably say 2 weeks and a permanent head ban tbh. Head ban for being dumb enough to use that module, 2 week server ban since his record shows he just wants to cause chaos in a bad way.

You are currently perma’d from MRP I though for all the MRP violations. Also you have shown you are not trying to improve behavior at all.

Well I did not think my behaviour needed an improvement over the past week, it’s LRP i’ve keep seeing the same bunch of guys all rounds stealing cap’s id and just running around the station just validbaiting pepole, and being a nuisance for everyone + a lot of self antagging, I haven’t self antagged around just powergaming on LRP, and having minor incidents with the voice analyzer functions such as: forgetting to add an activation code, and trying to make too many with the same activation code and getting auto muted for “spamming”.

You’re talking about doing okay in the span of a week though. That means you can make it roughly 7 days before breaking a rule again. When we look at records we hope to see maybe one or two minor notes in a month or two to consider it decent behavior. You have a chance page full since halfway through March with a few severe notes.

LRP is a better fit since you are allowed to break in and steal the caps ID, power game, and hunt traitors. The auto muting isnt a ban or anything just an auto feature that will IC mute you for a short period. If it’s not actual spam an admin can remove it.

Purging the AI of laws means that they can openly kill every single person on station and would be justified in doing it. Removing all their laws makes whatever they do fall on you. And saying that you did it to improve their laws, not as a mistake shows some intent at least, or a complete lack of understanding of AI laws. With the history though, whether it is intentional or accidental doesn’t matter, it’s a constant trend of messing with other people’s rounds outside of the rules.

Just an aside this is a byproduct of bee rules. EVERY OTHER server calls a lawless AI a crew member. Only we allow lawless AI murderbone

I kinda like the idea of it though. I mean it is the classic horror scenario. What will an AI do if it somehow broke free of it’s safeguard. It’s one thing to just be given boring murderbone laws, but as a former AI player the most fun is when you get a weird lawset or are free to do whatever. Allows for fun gimmicks and unpredictability.

Do you suggest lowering it? Keeping it? Need a little help here.

@GameAdmin hey nerds what do

Purging AI laws without a really good reason usually results in self-antag as it allows the AI to go bonkers. They have specific laws roundstart for a reason.

That being said, perma is excessive. In the future, shift+click (examine) a module and you’ll see the laws it’ll give/ what it’ll do before actually using it.

Specifically, under Silicon Policy:

“Purged silicons are allowed to do whatever they want to do on LRP, and can act as antagonists. In addition, whomever purges the AI or cyborg is fully responsible for whatever actions the purged AI/cyborg performs.”
