Sexual content vs erotic content

Is non-erotic “sexual” content allowed? Can people make dick jokes? Should people be allowed to?

No, this is a legal requirement, and legal means absolute, so as long as minors are allowed, no sexual content AT ALL.

you act like I don’t break the law on a daily basis

you act like I’ve never been to prison

im a minor and i make dick jokes. Am I illegal?

Well, that’s the core of the problem here… Minors don’t care.

Don’t expect Crossed or his crew to take chances still.

oh no
the police are here for me

Some jokes are allowed.

Talking about graphic and sexual content is illegal.

Dragging a poor moth to dorms is double illegal.

so VIP moth is fair game?


Now from the top, make it moff
That’s some dry-ass moff feet
Fluffy wings, make you huff
That’s some dry-ass moff feet