actually what the fuck is a senior badmin,
i a former admin should know this and yet all i understand is that its fluff. hell didnt bass come before cae or am i stupid.
actually what the fuck is a senior badmin,
i a former admin should know this and yet all i understand is that its fluff. hell didnt bass come before cae or am i stupid.
Senior admins are pretty much normal admins that can authorize events, weigh in on trial>fullmin votes, and can be trusted a little more. Other than that it is just orange name lul
senior admins are extra furry, more than normal admins.
Head admins oh no no no
It’s 10% Doing the perms edits headmins want when they can’t get on to do it themselves, 5% Giving input on admin reports, 15% voting on admin promotions, 15% authorising events and the rest being a consolation prize for oldcouncil.
The criteria for promotion are very vague and not written down, basically being “have solid judgement, decent experience as an admin and be trusted by the headmins”.
No I don’t really know why I was given it either.
Señor admin is like a regular admin but with señor prefix and a custom paintjob. To become one you gotta do some cool trick infront of headmins like a wheelie on a bike or taking a coin from behind someones ear, but I’ve heard even card tricks work.
i still to this day do not know why I am not a senior, nor do I really care too much.
although it does sorta make me salty that other newer mins got it before I did
because you can’t do the flip
Oh okay then.
Yeaaah I’m never gonna be orange.
It’s because you’re a puppy