Self Antag Captain Player Report

In-game report:

Title: Self Antag Captain


Your Discord:Uhhh…

Offender’s CKEY: Couldn’t find out

LRP or MRP server: LRP

Offender’s In-Game Name: Bethney

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 7/7/2020

Round Number: 18209

Rules Broken: Self Antag

Incident Description: Captain knew that the people who were killing crew in the kitchen were blood brothers, did nothing, then goes out of there way to help them. He dragged rd to kitchen to let them kill rd, and also even helped them stab ce to death. When I asked him, he said that “He didn’t want to be cap.” That was pretty much his only reason…

Additional Information:

Bruh you’re fast I don’t even know how to make a topic here yet

Also I was the CE that got jumped

Logs are attached here.

Captain stabbing the CE, later getting gibbed by the Blood Brother he was assisting, plus CE getting gibbed.
Glennerbean/(Bethney Trovato) has attacked Hollandaise/(SiS-741) with kitchen knife (INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 88) (Kitchen (150, 137, 2))
Glennerbean/(Bethney Trovato) has attacked Hollandaise/(SiS-741) with kitchen knife (INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 49.9)  (Kitchen (150, 137, 2))
Glennerbean/(Bethney Trovato) has attacked Hollandaise/(SiS-741) with kitchen knife (INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 20.5)  (Kitchen (150, 137, 2))
Sapnu puas/(Riley Woolery) has gibbed Glennerbean/(Bethney Trovato) (NEWHP: 99.4)  (Kitchen (152, 141, 2))
Sapnu puas/(Riley Woolery) has gibbed *no key*/(SiS-741) (NEWHP: -207.2)  (Kitchen (152, 141, 2))

Honestly, having read through all the logs and seeing how confusing it’d be to get them, I’ll start attaching them soon - for now, I’m willing to say that exactly what was said seems to have occured.

The Captain assisted the two blood brothers with murdering the CE and the RD, it seems.

Given previous history, 3 week ban for obvious self antag and griefing in a command role.