Sebastian Alvarez Player Report

In-game report:


   Your Discord:Deny#0960

   Offender’s CKEY:Unknown

   LRP or MRP server:LRP

   Offender’s In-Game Name:Sebastian Alvarez

   Date (MM-DD-YYYY):12/24/20

   Round Number:25365

   Rules Broken:1

   Incident Description:I Had AA so I went into CMO's locker and took his radio for High Volume(Sebastian was CMO). He proceeded to hunt me down and shoot me with chemicals that made me set on fire, Afterwards I spoke with an Admin and he told me that he had the right to shoot me, but never to kill me. So the Admin asked CMO to heal me, and the CMO agreed. He never healed me, he lied to the admin and continued making his thermite syringes.

   Additional Information: I can't believe I got so unlucky to have two player reports in two days.

I also got logs of it all.

Here is him Killing me:

You unlock chief medical officer’s locker.
You feel like having some Nicotine right about now.
You pop out the encryption keys in the headset.
You put the screwdriver into the toolbelt.
You put the chief medical officer’s headset into the satchel.
Rhoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshenk Koyaanisq says, “High volume.”

[Common] Rhoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshenk Koyaanisq says, “Thanks cmo.”
Rhoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshenk Koyaanisq says, “Thanks cmo.”
Mopficcer Sweepsky begins to clean up the dirt.
Sebastian Alvarez fires the syringe gun!
You’re hit by a syringe in the left leg!
You’re set on fire!
Jestah catches fire!
You stop, drop, and roll!
Your sandals starts to fall apart!

Your rastacap starts to fall apart!

[Common] Rhoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshenk Koyaanisq says, “Cmo kills me.”
Rhoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshenk Koyaanisq says, “Cmo kills me.”
[Common] Rhoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshenk Koyaanisq says, “Nvm,.”
Rhoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshenk Koyaanisq says, “Nvm,.”
You feel your heart slow down…
Your roboticist’s jumpsuit starts to fall apart!

… You can almost hear something …
Your roboticist’s jumpsuit starts to fall apart!
Rhoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshenk Koyaanisq has died at Medbay Central.

Here is my conversation with the Admin(BigGamer34):

– Administrator private message –
Admin PM from-Biggamer34: He has the ability to shoot you, but not remove you from the round, i think, Viro is using some sort of healing virus on your body, so you should be good soon, probably
Click on the administrator’s name to reply.

– Administrator private message –
Admin PM from-Biggamer34: CMO should be getting to you after he does the Captain
Click on the administrator’s name to reply.

As you can see Sebastian told the admin that he will heal me, but I never got revived.

10 BeeCoins have been deposited to your account! Reason: You tried.

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During my ahelps with both the CMO and Rhoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshenk Koyaanisq, I did ask the CMO to revive Koyaanisq. Unfortunately, I couldn’t enforce this, because my Grandma rolled up to my house midway through the round. (Look at OOC logs I’m not joking)

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You’re good man. You did the best.

Either way the point was that he agreed with you to do that and then didn’t

Any ban that should of taken place should be doubled for lying to admins

I mean… Aint he valid for aa tresspass and theft combined?

From my end at least, Nothing I did here deemed me valid. “Heads of Command/Security cannot make players valid, only warrant their arrest.” also applies here. And in addition I was granted AA and the full use of it by the HoP. So for me I used it.

In addition CMO still lied to the Admin.

Well this only means that hop is probably breaking the rules, no? You cant give out aa, even on lrp, not without an ACTUAL, VALID reason.

You having validly aquired aa is gonna make cmo the one to blame, yes. But i wouldnt call him a shitter because of how unlikely it is that a random gets legit aa on lrp.

Have you tried not stealing things from other people?

As always, access is not authorization.

So you defend him killing me for a radio head set? And then lying to the admin?

I told him what I took and even locked his locker for him. He was the one who hunted me down back to Robotics to shoot me with fire syringes.

Nothing in Validity rules makes me valid in this situation. Him killing me was a complete over reaction that shouldn’t have occurred. If he cared so much about his stuff why couldn’t he just ask for it back?

Yeah he didnt steal high risk items and even if he did he should be arrested properly, no?

If you think it’s unfair or excessive they killed you for taking their items from their locked locker, consider not stealing next round.

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Agreed with all of your replies. I see how it’s possible for him to think I got AA illegitimately, and I would agree if I entered Armory and stole lethals that that would make me valid, but for a radio headset?

I think your opinion is pretty stupid, no offense. And you haven’t answered my question.

Its not a problem that he got bent over, its a problem that he got murdered on the spot.

Yep, I believe if he asked this all wouldn’t have happened at all. And him telling the admin that he will heal me, and proceed to ignore my body. That saying “Out of sight, out of mind” doesn’t apply either, since he saw my body on the stasis bed at least 4 times.

He just carries that syringe gun around full of lethal chemicals itching to use them.
^Oh, and to add to this statement, I saw him light my body ablaze with the syringes, but I didn’t really add it into the initial statement as it was near the end of the round(at least when I returned to my body) and I couldn’t find the logs for them, so it’s a possibility he just lit me ablaze before the round ended. So full logs on that might prove useful.

I wouldnt blame him for the itchy trigger finger, especially on lrp.

But still, him lying to admin and not arresting you ( which can be done WAAAAYYY easier than cooking you alive in a single injection ) is raising some eyebrows.

So to summarize my problems with him,

I see the risk involved with taking others possessions and I understand that I should have gotten punished for it, but this wasn’t the correct course of action. His blatant breach of the Escalation Policy, him manhunting me back to Sci, having easily accessible fire syringes that can husk you in one shot, blatant lying to admins, is my issue here.

In addition to killing a Non-Valid person, seems like self-antag to me. As nothing in Validity rules speaks of stealing a radio headset for high volume, or stealing in general. If anything he broke another rule for not following Validity rules “Heads of Command/Security cannot make players valid, only warrant their arrest.” An Arrest is understandable, fire syringes that husked me on the spot are not.

Hell, to add some more on this since it’s a part of the conversation. The sentence I would get as an arrest would be 3 minutes. But this is per your logic, I checked the wiki for Space_Law, and it further proves the point I’ve been making.:
You said I have trespasses, here is why I did not. As the notes for trespass goes as follows:
“Remember that people can either break in, sneak in, or be let in. Always check that the suspect wasn’t let in to do a job by someone with access, or were given access on their ID. Trespassing and theft are often committed together; both sentences should be applied.”

So the best I would see here is a 2 minute sentence for Petty theft. As the description is:
“To take items from areas one does not have access to or to take items belonging to others or the station as a whole.” which is exactly what I did.

So for a 2 minute sentence at best, I got instantly killed. That really doesn’t make sense to me.
And him lying is still confusing me, as all it did was make it worse for his situation.

You stole from a head, you paid the price.
You also had illicit access, which is another reason you could’ve been valid.

But I was given AA by the HoP as an apology because he almost lasered me to death. I legitimately got access, and stole from him and I understand that me stealing from him was wrong, but he killed me instantly. But yet you still defend him, What are you? Sleepin with him, jokes aside though. I don’t understand why you think your point stand here. I’ve proven my point that he shouldn’t have shot me and killed me instantly, and you have not once mentioned him lying to an admin. Will you over rule the 3 specific sources I’ve provided to prove him guilty?

Even the fact that he is openly carrying a syringe full of insta die is also pretty worrying.

If you don’t believe me, please check the logs. I’ve been truthful this entire time. And it’s fine if you need to double check that.