SCP 173 as a mid-game or roundstart angagonist?

SCP-173 is already in game; can be spawned by wizards through an odd combination of spells. But what if it was also a rare mid-round antag that added a fun twist to the game. Here are my ideas;

  • Have it spawn in Xenobio, where the xeno egg usually spawns. RD’s task should also be containing this creature.
  • Have it spawn randomly mid-round, from outer space. Comes crashing towards the station during a meteorite storm.

yeah but how would blinking work? and is it a player controlled enemy or an NPC? How much health? Does it instakill?

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that shit is funny on spess marines so why not

Definitely not player controlled. Making it player controlled would be a lose/lose situation, since it’d either have incredible power if it’s dark or if people are unaware of it, or it’d be just stuck in place, which isn’t fun to play.


Obligatory @ro5490 ping since they did substantial work toward making it a midround antag already.


that would be a badass fucking xeno room spawn

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Oh boy,

Tl;Dr - statue blink code is fucked right now, but its an easy enough fix to force a blink every so often if within a certain range. Current statuecode also isnt an insta-kill if I remember correctly, its a high amount of brute though.

The AI version sorta works, but doesnt really use the force-blink ability if I remember right
The Player version is still pretty decent though.

For containment I think current statues cant break through R-Walls so the generic xeno room should be able to contain it, but again its been a hot minute since I’ve checked code

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p sure they can be broken with welders

Necro bad.


i believe suggested topics are suggested reading, not necessarily for necroing :rofl:

I thought it was suggested to read and possibly reply lmao