Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:sage
Ban Type:Server
Ban Length:7 Days
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):2020-09-20
Round ID:21571
Ban Reason:Cremated a living SSD crewmember for no apparent reason, DC’d before being able to question.
Appeal Reason:Was basically turned into a Warpriest for the station complete with hammer and shield protecting the innocent. There were lings on station so I decided that body without a soul should be burned and I thought that anyone who was SSD would probably come back before I got them to the cremator. In hindsight I probably should have just stuck them in cryo, but I kinda had tunnel vision throughout a lot of that round.
Thanks for taking the time to post this, I defo saw a bunch of that round and I understand where you’re coming from, however our rules state that ssd players should be taken somewhere safe if possible when found on Sage/MRP, dispite this you still knowingly cremated a SSD player, who then came back and adminhelped it.
I’ll wait on input from @GameAdmin but this isn’t something anyone should be doing.