Sammyjohnes Banned by rukofamicom

sammyjohnes by rukofamicom


Admin’s CKEY:rukofamicom

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: its for both

Ban Type:temp

Ban Length:3

Ban Date (05/06/2020):

Round ID:15567

Ban Reason:MRP - Overescalation, charging into combat as Chaplain, Arresting and brigging players without a timer (as chaplain) and suspected of playing chaplain just for the weapon. Refuses to admit fault, lied in ahelp at first. Appeal on forums

Appeal Reason: i was told that i was going on a killing spree, being sec a and killing people. thats simply not true i even had the guy i killed in self defense tell the admin it was justified. as for the brig claim i put the guy in their and left it to the detective who just left it. also no where in the logs have i attempted to arrest people on the server that part is a blatant lie and on that alone i should be unbanned . also blatant lying in the admins response Admin PM from- **[Administrator]: Sabrina Kimple never touched you. You killed her. I’m not assuming anything mate, I haven’t been watching you - I’m using your attack logs.Colby Wilo never touched you, you killed him( the unknown attacking the detective.)
Shade of Colby Wilo hisses, “I told him already that you are good.” the man i "murdered saying i did nothing wrong. ,Moe Blow says, “I brought the mime in” “And yes you did kill her, you also tried injecting her with a syringe”

Additional Information: I’ve sent the logs on my end to the heads. don’t really like being blamed for things i didn’t do logs of my"Murder rampage"

I have a partially off-topic question. Why do you have 4 accounts? Some of which have notes.

eh i just bored i guess i don’t like to stay on one for too long none of them have gone on a rampage and in the files i downloaded the virologist attacked me first

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font-size: 24px;} .redtext {color: #FF0000; font-size: 24px;} .clown {color: #FF69Bf; font-size: 24px; font-family: “Comic Sans MS”, cursive, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;} .singing {font-family: “Trebuchet MS”, cursive, sans-serif; font-style: italic;} .his_grace {color: #15D512; font-family: “Courier New”, cursive, sans-serif; font-style: italic;} .hypnophrase {color: #0d0d0d; font-weight: bold; animation: hypnocolor 1500ms infinite;} @keyframes hypnocolor { 0% { color: #0d0d0d; } 25% { color: #410194; } 50% { color: #7f17d8; } 75% { color: #410194; } 100% { color: #3bb5d3; } } .phobia {color: #dd0000; font-weight: bold; animation: phobia 750ms infinite;} @keyframes phobia { 0% { color: #0d0d0d; } 50% { color: #dd0000; } 100% { color: #0d0d0d; } } .icon {height: 1em; width: auto;} .memo {color: #638500; text-align: center;} .memoedit {text-align: center; font-size: 16px;} .abductor {color: #800080; font-style: italic;} .mind_control {color: #A00D6F; font-size: 3; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;} .slime {color: #00CED1;} .drone {color: #848482;} .monkey {color: #975032;} .swarmer {color: #2C75FF;} .resonate {color: #298F85;} .monkeyhive {color: #774704;} .monkeylead {color: #774704; font-size: 2;} .connectionClosed, .fatalError {background: red; color: white; padding: 5px;} .connectionClosed.restored {background: green;} .internal.boldnshit {color: blue; font-weight: bold;} / HELPER CLASSES */ .text-normal {font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;} .hidden {display: none; visibility: hidden;}

Common] The Automated Announcement System coldly states, “Dick Matterson, Bartender has been moved to cryo storage.”

[Common] Jamison Haynes says, “Ai.”
Jamison Haynes says, “Ai.”

Unknown grabs Damon Henry passively!

Unknown grabs Damon Henry aggressively!

[Common] Jamison Haynes says, “Sec.”
Jamison Haynes says, “Sec.”

[Common] Jamison Haynes says, “Dect.”
Jamison Haynes says, “Dect.”

Unknown throws the energy bola.

Damon Henry triggers the energy snare.
Damon Henry is hit by the energy bola!

Jamison Haynes says, “Let me in.”

[Common] Ainsley Fiddler says, “Looks like cult stuff in library.”

Unknown has electrocuted Damon Henry with the stun baton!

Jamison Haynes says, “LET ME HELP.”

Damon Henry grabs Unknown passively!

Unknown has electrocuted Damon Henry with the stun baton!

Unknown enforced the law upon Damon Henry in the chest with the stun baton!

[Common] Jamison Haynes says, “AI OPEN.”
Jamison Haynes says, “AI OPEN.”

Unknown enforced the law upon Damon Henry in the right leg with the stun baton!

Unknown enforced the law upon Damon Henry in the head with the stun baton!

Unknown has electrocuted Damon Henry with the stun baton!

Unknown enforced the law upon Damon Henry in the head with the stun baton!

Unknown has electrocuted Damon Henry with the stun baton!

Unknown enforced the law upon Damon Henry in the head with the stun baton!

Damon Henry says, “Help.”

Unknown has electrocuted Damon Henry with the stun baton!

Unknown enforced the law upon Damon Henry in the head with the stun baton!

Unknown has electrocuted Damon Henry with the stun baton!

Unknown enforced the law upon Damon Henry in the head with the stun baton!

Unknown grabs Damon Henry passively!

[Common] Jamison Haynes says, “AI HUMAN HARM.”
Jamison Haynes says, “AI HUMAN HARM.”

Unknown has electrocuted Damon Henry with the stun baton!

Unknown grabs Damon Henry aggressively!

Unknown has electrocuted Damon Henry with the stun baton!

Unknown starts to tighten his grip on Damon Henry!

[Common] Jamison Haynes says, “AI FOR FUCKS SAKE.”
Jamison Haynes says, “AI FOR FUCKS SAKE.”

Unknown grabs Damon Henry by the neck!

Unknown has prodded Damon Henry with the stun baton. Luckily it was off.

Damon Henry says, “Help.”

You begin to clean the floor with the soap…

You clean the floor.

Damon Henry says, “Help.”

Unknown is trying to put handcuffs on Damon Henry!

You begin to clean the floor with the soap…

Unknown handcuffs Damon Henry.

You clean the floor.

Colby Wilo (as Unknown) says, “My turn.”

Damon Henry says, “Help help help.”

Damon Henry attempts to remove the handcuffs!
Unknown puts the stun baton into the security belt.

Unknown grabs Damon Henry passively!

[Common] Trenton Catherina says, “Someone to HOPline please.”

Damon Henry says, “Help.”

Unknown shoves Damon Henry, knocking him down!

Jamison Haynes cut Unknown in the chest with the chainsaw hand!

Jamison Haynes diced Unknown in the chest with the chainsaw hand!

Unknown shoves Jamison Haynes!

[Common] Trenton Catherina says, “HOP.”

Unknown shoves Damon Henry!

[Common] Trenton Catherina says, “DO YOUR JOB.”

Jamison Haynes sawed Unknown in the chest with the chainsaw hand!

Your eyes sting a little.
Unknown blinds you with the flash!

Damon Henry attempts to remove the handcuffs!

Unknown grabs you passively!

Unknown grabs you aggressively!

Unknown starts to tighten his grip on you!

Jamison Haynes torn Unknown in the chest with the chainsaw hand!

Unknown starts to tighten his grip on you!

Jamison Haynes torn Unknown in the chest with the chainsaw hand!

Jamison Haynes diced Unknown in the chest with the chainsaw hand!

Jamison Haynes sawed Unknown in the left leg with the chainsaw hand!

Jamison Haynes torn Unknown in the chest with the chainsaw hand!

Jamison Haynes chopped Unknown in the chest with the chainsaw hand!

[Common] Saoirse Saraid says, “Sec to medbay.”

Damon Henry says, “Yes.”

Jamison Haynes sawed Unknown in the chest with the chainsaw hand!

Jamison Haynes diced Unknown in the left leg with the chainsaw hand!

Unknown seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless…
Jamison Haynes cut Unknown in the chest with the chainsaw hand!

Jamison Haynes cut Unknown in the chest with the chainsaw hand!

Jamison Haynes torn Unknown in the chest with the chainsaw hand!

Damon Henry says, “Thanks.”

Barbara Earl claps.

Jamison Haynes says, “THE POWER OF GOD.”

Jamison Haynes diced Unknown in the chest with the chainsaw hand!

Jamison Haynes torn Unknown in the chest with the chainsaw hand!

Damon Henry says, “Thank you.”

theirs part of my " killing spree"

dont unban. he’s being very annoying and pming literally every admin in dicsoord and on forums to check his appeal

Agreed. Every single admin has been DMd. This breaks discord rule of not PMing admins, and is literal admin shopping. Also there are some additional issues were looking into atm.

Also moving to correct category.

Player that was brigged in cell without a timer blames local chaplain. Initial look at logs confirms it was indeed the chaplain, and this is how the bwoink starts

[2020-05-06 08:24:40.274] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): Hey man, got a minute?
[2020-05-06 08:24:49.465] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): whats up?
[2020-05-06 08:25:02.474] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): Why are you brigging people as chaplain?
[2020-05-06 08:25:09.323] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): with no timer, at that
[2020-05-06 08:25:22.676] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): i left him to the detect
[2020-05-06 08:25:54.176] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): he said he would deal with it then attacked so i dont know what sgoing on but i freeded him when i went back
[2020-05-06 08:26:31.613] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): Why the arrest in the first place though?
[2020-05-06 08:26:49.904] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): beats me i think he attacked the engi who cuffed him
[2020-05-06 08:28:33.837] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): You aren’t security, you’re a holy man is what I’m getting at
[2020-05-06 08:28:47.258] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): i know but have you seen this station its fucked
[2020-05-06 08:28:53.961] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): At the moment it looks like you took chaplain for the chainsaw arm so you could go around fighting people
[2020-05-06 08:29:12.726] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): naw ive been attacked on all fronts
[2020-05-06 08:29:46.384] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): if that was true i would of killed the detective for attacking me. please dont assume anything
[2020-05-06 08:30:03.983] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): I’m not assuming anything mate, I haven’t been watching you - I’m using your attack logs
[2020-05-06 08:30:24.358] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): then you’ll of know ive been attacked first then attacked
[2020-05-06 08:31:09.181] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): like with the unknown guy who assulted me and the detective maybe look at those logs please then assume all you want
[2020-05-06 08:31:11.246] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): Sabrina Kimple never touched you. You killed her
[2020-05-06 08:31:24.081] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): um no i never killed anyone
[2020-05-06 08:31:26.414] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): Colby Wilo never touched you, you killed him
[2020-05-06 08:31:42.241] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): 49[07:58:23] Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) (Brig (102, 165, 2)) Pasted logs here and this entire message is mysteriously missing from the log file, it’s just a blank timestamped message
[2020-05-06 08:31:59.158] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): Lying isn’t going to get you anywhere mate
[2020-05-06 08:32:02.058] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): um no never killed anyone other than the unknown who assulted me
[2020-05-06 08:32:15.115] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): same with you my boy
[2020-05-06 08:32:38.483] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): i’ve downloaded all of the chat ive killed no one so unless you’re trying to frame me here thats the end of it

I can see two kills in the log at this point, have confronted Sam about both of them, while Sam is claiming there is only one, that he was attacked first before killing and then immediately after claims he killed nobody.

I’m feeling like I’m getting trolled at this point, since he completely changes his story from ‘I killed one person in self defense’ to ‘I didn’t kill anyone and you aren’t the only one with logs so stop trying to frame me’ in a 30 second span of time, and AFTER being presented with proof-of-kill logs.
I teleported them to admin prison around this point so I can do a more detailed investigation into what’s happened beyond one look at the logs… but I already know I have a lying player at this point.

Important other bits and pieces since this ahelp goes on for over 20 minutes

[2020-05-06 08:39:16.989] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): Let’s try this from the top. How many people have you killed?
[2020-05-06 08:39:28.428] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): You told me zero at first, then one that attacked you first, now it’s two
[2020-05-06 08:39:35.868] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): one guy the shade who dmed you

Back to claiming it’s one kill

[2020-05-06 08:39:50.647] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): Okay, so the shade is the one that attacked you first?
[2020-05-06 08:40:04.850] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): yes i didnt kill anyone else

Blatant lie as logs will show in the following post. Sam attacked first with his chainsaw arm.

[2020-05-06 08:40:17.839] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): Why did you kill Sabrina Kimple.
[2020-05-06 08:40:51.863] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): thats the virologist who attacked me and didnt respond right
[2020-05-06 08:41:11.379] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): So you killed two people, yes?
[2020-05-06 08:41:11.497] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): the clown took her to medical after i assumed she lived
[2020-05-06 08:41:22.765] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): if she died that not my fault
[2020-05-06 08:41:35.084] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): If you crit someone, it is 100% your fault when they die

Virologist was wordlessly trying to inject with a spaceacillin syringe and not responding to questions, so it’s definitely understandable to be suspicious. It’s not understandable to respond by trying to kill them, especially not when they try to run away.

[2020-05-06 08:46:16.820] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): what security we had a hop that was attacking people and murrdering people in ever line of work and you’re questioning me?
[2020-05-06 08:46:38.079] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): Other players do bad and that means you can?
[2020-05-06 08:47:00.000] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): Rules - BeeStation Wiki
[2020-05-06 08:47:04.054] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): no im just wondering why you’re spending so much time here and not bwonking the hop
[2020-05-06 08:47:25.461] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): what i did was in my rights the man i even killed told you i was in the right
[2020-05-06 08:47:36.240] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): Because you’ve blatantly lied, changed your story and are unwilling to admit your fault. Unwilling to understand you did wrong means you’re just going to do it again.
[2020-05-06 08:47:48.371] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): um no
[2020-05-06 08:48:04.792] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RukoFamicom/(Ruko)->Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes): Nobody has reported HoP so I’m not talking to them, I’m dealing with a player I’m trying to convince has broken rules and can’t release to continue playing until they understand they have

By the last of those bits I've utterly given up with trying to reason with Sam at this point and start typing out the ban reason. Up until this point I've spent so much effort on this player because they're medium-low on hours and have no notes, but don't seem to understand that what they're doing is wrong. Then they drop this line in the ahelp:

[2020-05-06 08:48:04.901] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes)->RukoFamicom/(Ruko): dont really have a record of attacking people on this account now do i

Following post will have attack logs because there won’t be room in this one.

Virologist gets killed

[2020-05-06 07:54:01.208] ATTACK: FX68G/(Sabrina Kimple) has attempted to inject Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) with the syringe (spaceacillin) which had /datum/reagent/medicine/morphine (7.6u) and /datum/reagent/toxin (7.4u) (NEWHP: 100) (Central Primary Hallway (110, 113, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:04.412] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has punched FX68G/(Sabrina Kimple) (NEWHP: 93) (Central Primary Hallway (109, 114, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:04.629] ATTACK: FX68G/(Sabrina Kimple) has attempted to inject Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) with the syringe (spaceacillin) which had /datum/reagent/medicine/morphine (7.6u) and /datum/reagent/toxin (7.4u) (NEWHP: 100) (Central Primary Hallway (110, 113, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:05.448] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has punched FX68G/(Sabrina Kimple) (NEWHP: 86) (Central Primary Hallway (109, 114, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:05.473] ATTACK: FX68G/(Sabrina Kimple) has attempted to inject Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) with the syringe (spaceacillin) which had /datum/reagent/medicine/morphine (7.6u) and /datum/reagent/toxin (7.4u) (NEWHP: 100) (Central Primary Hallway (110, 113, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:10.480] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has punched FX68G/(Sabrina Kimple) (NEWHP: 79) (Central Primary Hallway (112, 114, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:14.244] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has punched FX68G/(Sabrina Kimple) (NEWHP: 72) (Central Primary Hallway (103, 114, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:15.049] ATTACK: FX68G/(Sabrina Kimple) has attacked Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) with scalpel (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 92.5) (Central Primary Hallway (104, 115, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:15.189] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has punched FX68G/(Sabrina Kimple) (NEWHP: 65) (Central Primary Hallway (103, 114, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:20.886] ATTACK: no key/(�Medibot) has tended the wounds of Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) with internal tools (BRUTE) (NEWHP: 94.4) (Central Primary Hallway (106, 115, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:22.794] ATTACK: FX68G/(Sabrina Kimple) has attacked Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) with scalpel (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 86.9) (Central Primary Hallway (107, 115, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:34.347] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has punched FX68G/(Sabrina Kimple) (NEWHP: 58) (Central Primary Hallway (127, 128, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:46.889] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has punched FX68G/(Sabrina Kimple) (NEWHP: 31) (Central Primary Hallway (125, 123, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:47.699] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has punched FX68G/(Sabrina Kimple) (NEWHP: 24) (Central Primary Hallway (125, 122, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:48.557] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has punched FX68G/(Sabrina Kimple) (NEWHP: 17) (Central Primary Hallway (125, 122, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:49.345] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has punched FX68G/(Sabrina Kimple) (NEWHP: 10) (Central Primary Hallway (125, 122, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:50.159] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has punched FX68G/(Sabrina Kimple) (NEWHP: 3) (Central Primary Hallway (125, 122, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:51.112] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has punched FX68G[DC]/(Sabrina Kimple) (NEWHP: -4) (Central Primary Hallway (125, 122, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:51.949] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has kicked FX68G[DC]/(Sabrina Kimple) (NEWHP: -14.5) (Central Primary Hallway (125, 122, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:52.823] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has kicked FX68G[DC]/(Sabrina Kimple) (NEWHP: -25) (Central Primary Hallway (125, 122, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:54:53.816] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has kicked FX68G[DC]/(Sabrina Kimple) (NEWHP: -35.5) (Central Primary Hallway (125, 122, 2))

Colby gets killed and soul-trapped

[2020-05-06 07:58:05.351] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) with chainsaw hand (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 57.8) (Brig (102, 165, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:06.166] ATTACK: BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) has shoved Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) (NEWHP: 86.9) (Brig (102, 164, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:06.226] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) with chainsaw hand (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 41.6) (Brig (102, 166, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:15.229] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) with chainsaw hand (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 25.4) (Brig (102, 165, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:15.260] ATTACK: BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) has flashed(targeted) Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) with the flash (NEWHP: 86.9) (Brig (102, 164, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:18.733] ATTACK: BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) has grabbed Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) passive grab (NEWHP: 86.9) (Brig (102, 166, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:19.576] ATTACK: BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) has grabbed Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) aggressive grab (NEWHP: 86.9) (Brig (102, 166, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:20.471] ATTACK: BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) has attempted to neck grab Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) neck grab (NEWHP: 86.9) (Brig (102, 166, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:22.680] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) with chainsaw hand (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 9.2) (Brig (102, 165, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:23.350] ATTACK: BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) has attempted to neck grab Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) neck grab (NEWHP: 86.9) (Brig (102, 166, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:23.378] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) with chainsaw hand (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -7) (Brig (102, 165, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:24.292] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) with chainsaw hand (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -23.2) (Brig (102, 165, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:25.169] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) with chainsaw hand (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -35.4) (Brig (102, 165, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:26.277] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) with chainsaw hand (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -51.5) (Brig (102, 165, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:27.127] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) with chainsaw hand (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -67.7) (Brig (102, 165, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:27.997] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) with chainsaw hand (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -83.9) (Brig (102, 165, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:28.954] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) with chainsaw hand (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -96.1) (Brig (102, 165, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:29.768] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) with chainsaw hand (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -112.3) (Brig (102, 165, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:30.789] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) with chainsaw hand (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -128.5) (Brig (102, 165, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:31.699] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) with chainsaw hand (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -144.7) (Brig (102, 165, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:38.645] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) with chainsaw hand (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -160.9) (Brig (102, 165, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:39.468] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) with chainsaw hand (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -177.1) (Brig (102, 165, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:58:40.283] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked BigBorsh/(Colby Wilo) with chainsaw hand (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -193.3) (Brig (102, 165, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:01:59.823] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has captured Unknown’s soul no key/(Colby Wilo) with the mysterious old shard (NEWHP: -193.3) (Medbay Central (98, 109, 2))

Stealing Detective's ID and acting as sec to Cell someone without a timer

[2020-05-06 07:58:44.777] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has grabbed Youcefsapcey/(Damon Henry) passive grab (NEWHP: 55.7) (Brig (102, 164, 2))
[2020-05-06 07:59:00.295] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has stripped Damon Henry’s ID Card (Detective) off Youcefsapcey/(Damon Henry) (NEWHP: 55.7) (Brig (108, 165, 2))

[2020-05-06 08:06:55.204] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has grabbed Poohlyash/(Luigi Mansionovich) passive grab (NEWHP: 69.5) (Fore Primary Hallway (108, 159, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:07:19.723] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has stripped the black shoes off Poohlyash/(Luigi Mansionovich) (NEWHP: 71.5) (Brig (107, 163, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:07:20.385] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has stripped the french beret off Poohlyash/(Luigi Mansionovich) (NEWHP: 71.5) (Brig (107, 163, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:07:20.784] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has stripped the mime mask off Poohlyash/(Luigi Mansionovich) (NEWHP: 74.5) (Brig (107, 163, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:07:21.133] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has stripped Parcel Parceaux off Poohlyash/(Luigi Mansionovich) (NEWHP: 74.5) (Brig (107, 163, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:07:21.234] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has stripped the white gloves off Poohlyash/(Luigi Mansionovich) (NEWHP: 74.5) (Brig (107, 163, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:07:22.133] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has stripped the suspenders off Poohlyash/(Luigi Mansionovich) (NEWHP: 74.5) (Brig (107, 163, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:07:23.638] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has stripped the mime’s outfit off Poohlyash/(Luigi Mansionovich) (NEWHP: 73.5) (Brig (107, 163, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:07:26.098] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has stripped the health scanner HUD off Poohlyash/(Luigi Mansionovich) (NEWHP: 72.5) (Brig (107, 163, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:07:28.699] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has stripped the service radio headset off Poohlyash/(Luigi Mansionovich) (NEWHP: 74.5) (Brig (107, 163, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:08:36.173] ATTACK: Youcefsapcey/(Damon Henry) has flashed(targeted) Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) with the flash (NEWHP: 86.9) (Brig (98, 173, 2))

Breaking into captain's office because ???

[2020-05-06 08:14:34.358] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked [Captain’s Quarters] with the chainsaw hand (Command Hallway (117, 127, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:14:35.382] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked [Captain’s Quarters] with the chainsaw hand (Command Hallway (117, 127, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:14:36.320] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked [Captain’s Quarters] with the chainsaw hand (Command Hallway (117, 127, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:14:37.283] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked [Captain’s Quarters] with the chainsaw hand (Command Hallway (117, 127, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:14:38.120] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked [Captain’s Quarters] with the chainsaw hand (Command Hallway (117, 127, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:14:38.897] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked [Captain’s Quarters] with the chainsaw hand (Command Hallway (117, 127, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:14:40.172] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked [Captain’s Quarters] with the chainsaw hand (Command Hallway (117, 127, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:14:41.077] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked [Captain’s Quarters] with the chainsaw hand (Command Hallway (117, 127, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:14:45.020] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked [Captain’s Quarters] with the chainsaw hand (Command Hallway (117, 127, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:14:45.835] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked [Captain’s Quarters] with the chainsaw hand (Command Hallway (117, 127, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:14:46.649] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked [Captain’s Quarters] with the chainsaw hand (Command Hallway (117, 127, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:14:47.502] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked [Captain’s Quarters] with the chainsaw hand (Command Hallway (117, 127, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:14:48.295] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked [Captain’s Quarters] with the chainsaw hand (Command Hallway (117, 127, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:14:49.174] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked [Captain’s Quarters] with the chainsaw hand (Command Hallway (117, 127, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:14:50.063] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked [Captain’s Quarters] with the chainsaw hand (Command Hallway (117, 127, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:14:51.045] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked [Captain’s Quarters] with the chainsaw hand (Command Hallway (117, 127, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:14:52.052] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked [Captain’s Quarters] with the chainsaw hand (Command Hallway (117, 127, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:14:53.071] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked [Captain’s Quarters] with the chainsaw hand (Command Hallway (117, 127, 2))

Harmbatonning Detective (who you stole ID from earlier) because he shoved you

[2020-05-06 08:17:13.942] ATTACK: Youcefsapcey/(Damon Henry) has shoved Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) (NEWHP: 83.6) (Central Primary Hallway (86, 114, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:17:58.956] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has stunned Youcefsapcey/(Damon Henry) (NEWHP: 60.2) (Central Primary Hallway (107, 145, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:17:59.137] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked Youcefsapcey/(Damon Henry) with stun baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 57.2) (Central Primary Hallway (107, 145, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:18:00.938] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has stunned Youcefsapcey/(Damon Henry) (NEWHP: 56.2) (Central Primary Hallway (107, 145, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:18:01.096] ATTACK: Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) has attacked Youcefsapcey/(Damon Henry) with stun baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 53.2) (Central Primary Hallway (107, 145, 2))
[2020-05-06 08:18:06.704] ATTACK: Youcefsapcey/(Damon Henry) has threw and hit Sammyjohnes/(Jamison Haynes) with Detective’s camera (NEWHP: 83.6) (Central Primary Hallway (123, 144, 2))

And finally on top of what happened just in this round.

You’ve tried to adminshop nearly the entire team against me, and most of them have called for action to be taken against this. The one very suspect line you threw to the end of the ticket caused some of them to go full-blown investigation into your multiple accounts including one of them at first thinking you had immediately resorted to ban evasion because two of the alternate accounts we know 100% are yours have logged in same-day as the ban.

I shot that down because they last logged in before the ban… however you logged into the same round with both accounts - one as roundstart and one as a ghost


This ban has been upgraded to permanent due to a combination of excessive admin-shopping and at least one instance of multi-keying.

It’s also extremely suspect that you were playing on an alt of a well-known problem player

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