Round start modifiers

Storm had an idea that I liked about roundstart modifiers, which are randomly selected at roundstart, printed to communication consoles and affect the round in some way, so spice things up a little.

Thinking of adding this, but wanted some cool ideas for things that could happen.

Debris Cluster
Sensors indicate a large amount of space debris around this sector, making the possibility of a collision much more likely.
Effect : Increased chance of meteor_wave event.

give ideas i need them to feed

(also effects can be something that changes some vars roundstart, or something that is ongoing / needs a trigger, they could also be positive or even crazy things like a meteor will destroy the station idk)


unindentified biomatter: increased chance of blob, sentient virus and level 7 outbreak


Disinfection failure
Due to shortage of disinfectant material, your station was chosen to be not disinfected this year. Have a secure shift.
Increased chance of random disease and sentient disease appearing. Pray to god that virologist is competent

Abnormal radiation waves
The planet that the station is orbiting is showing strange signs of dangerously high level radiation. Be ready to head to radiation shielded rooms at all time.
Increased chance of radiation wave

Anti matter wave
Sensors detect an unknown type of wave, it seems to be affecting the supermatter crystal.
Power production of SM is reduced

Security Level Elevated:
“Increased enemy activity has been detected in this region: additional resources have been allocated to help the crew fend them off”

  • More antagonists and sec officer slots
  • Maintenance access is more restricted (this is already coded at the bottom of the admin secrets panel)
  • Possibly cameras are upgraded? Sec gets extra weapons shipped? ERT auto sent when a certain percentage of the crew die?

Clown Town:
Effect: More clown slots are opened at roundstart.


god save us all


Ghost Town:
“paranormal activity has been detected in this region: additional religious supplies and personnel have been allocated to help investigate this phenomena”

  • More chaplain slots at round start
  • Round start revenant
  • harmless ghost mobs in maint.

Send in the Mimes:
Effect: More mime slots are opened at round start.


Infamous captain: your captains conquests are known around the galaxy. Unfortunately, this also means the Syndicate have placed a large bounty on his head. Protect the captain at all costs while our Protectorate squad hunts them down.

Highly increased chance for Lone Op, Space Ninja and Wiznerd to spawn, crew automatically red alerts and Defense budget tripled


Station’s lighting system is unable to work properly due to unknown reasons, please standby for further instruction and fix any broken lights.
Increased chance for spawning shadowlings and electeric overload (that event that breaks the lights)
Also shadowshrooms randomly spawn, handheld lights and working lights have a chance to flicker

(Now im thinking this can be turned to something bigger and more sinister)

Red Tide
The station is passing though a sector under control of Space Russia. Be on the watch for suspicious activity both on and off station.
Increased chance for revs, spess russians, and the angry russians cargo event


Clown Controlled Zone

“The station is in a sector dangerously close to Clown Planet, good luck”

  • More clown slots at roundstart

  • Higher chance of Clown Ops

  • There’s a honkrender floating somewhere in space


Nearing a auspiciously silent area

More mime slots, that’s it. (We need love too)

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Killer Bee infestation:
Hives filled with angry bees spawn in maint

Thicc Booty: “CentComm is receiving reports that your station is looking more delicious to… less than savory characters. Command suggests you keep an eye on that booty.”

Increase the chance to spawn pirates

Animal Circus:

“Space PETA has left some rescued animals under our care temporarily. We apologize for the minor distraction, please continue your routine duties.”

Spawns a random assortment of cats, dogs, goats and cows in the main hallways. Gives bored assistants something to do, lets the chef run wild and a PETA inspector could be adminbus’d later in the round

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Maybe that could be changed to the Animal Rights Consortium as they’re technically space PETA, formed from normal PETA.
No joke the ARC is a syndicate faction in lore

Superpowers: All crew starts with an activated (positive) mutation

Pixel man code this shit in like 3 days and have a Halloween event

too sad I don’t understand byond code :flushed:
But I can do it without coding if it is an event, after all, ahem, adminbus exists.

Byond code is like python or C+ Isn’t it?

After reading through this thread i realised its necro and i am sad now