RougeNPS Mentor App

Yeah I tend to observe periodically to answer mhelps.

I have been observing alot lately since i dont have the time as of late to play whole rounds. Observing lets me see what others do, how they do it, and pop in and out if i need to.

Carpentry apprenticeships take up a lot of time. :man_shrugging:

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At +5 now.

Anyone else wanna ask questions or +1?

Seems pretty chill on forums. Not that I have a plus or minus to give.

You cant anyway. Sad.

I can teach you all those

There is an Mhelp
“How much power is too much to send into the main power grid?”
What is your response?
There are no wrong answers only less correct ones.

Thanks. That would be nice. XD

If people start dying from touching un-shocked doors, its probably too much.

Usually about 50kw is enough from each SMES system. More and you risk draining to fast.

Bumping so any other mentors can ask me questions if they want to.

I’m fairly certain mentor questions are for apps with <200 hours or being unsure if they really know as much as a mentor should. 400+ is sorta an abundance.

Fair enough. I do have like…1300 in SS13 as a whole. I think.

Accepting and closing.