Ro5490's Trial-min Application

Your CKEY (Including any alts you have):
Ro5490 (cant remember any others but there might be one or two, havent used anything but this account for ages)

Your Discord Name (Including any alts you have):
Dapper/Aurora XI - Dapper#0001

How often are you online to play/admin? (Timezone):
GMT, mostly between 10pm and 8am

What changes, if any, would you bring?:
Not really looking to bring any changes, maybe comment on some of the more obscure race stuff like etherals and their toxins and blood issue but yeah.

How old are you?:

Why do you want to be an admin?:
MRP seems to have a decent set of admins but half the time it seems like nobody is online during the later hours, which I totally get because sleep is a thing but theres sometimes issues that dont get resolved to do that, I wanna help out!

How long have you been playing SS13?:
oof, since around December 2008? Its been an on and off thing for years, recently came back after about an 8 month break.

How long have you been playing BeeStation?:
116 hours apparently, mostly ghost though, I like to observe stuff ( )

On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you in SS13?:
I’d say around 8-9 ish, I’ve been around a while, only things I suck at are the newer things, I know the SM isnt technically new anymore but I suck so bad at it, same with the new toxins bomb making.

On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you as an admin?:
5-6 ish if only on SS13, Its been a hot sec since I’ve done any admin work on SS13, been fiddling around in a private server to get used to controls again and I’m getting there slowly. In general I’d say around a 8 though due to dealing with toxic server stuff in the past.

Have you ever been an admin on another server? This is not limited to SS13:
Been an admin on a couple of SS13 servers, some dont even exist anymore, other than that I was running a decently successful esports discord for a while. I’ve also been an admin on a few Gmod DarkRP servers (dear god that was cancer to deal with). Plus I currently host a modded MC server for the degenerates who know me IRL.

Do you have any alternate accounts on SS13? If so, could you provide their CKEY?:
I probably do but its been years so I cant remember any of them :confused:

Your strengths:
Years of experience dealing with SS13 and other Admin stuff, Late night observer only rounds are my regular, I work pretty well under pressure and learn rather quickly when introduced to something new and put my mind to it

Your weaknesses:
I like to lay back and watch rounds play out, sometimes I get distracted by other things and it can throw me off when something happens and I dont quite catch it, or I dont understand what happened, I’m more than likely to look through logs to try to understand something if I dont get what happened which could distract me from dealing with an ahelp quickly.
Also I dont really frequent the forum much.

Is there anything that gets you really mad, real fast?:
Not much, I’ve been desensitized to most things, only IRL stuff gets me mad anymore, like someone telling me something I already know, and they already know that I already know, multiple times in like, a really short time, idk it just bugs me.

What do you think is the most important trait for a staff member to have?:
Patience and Understanding

What makes a staff team good?:
Being able to work together and remain calm and collected while things are a mess. Teamwork is key, and being able to help eachother out with issues is what makes it all work.

What is a staff team’s purpose?:
Keeping the peace, making sure the rules are followed, and helping the community grow and enjoy the time they have.

What kind of player are you?:
I like to chill, focus one one thing at a time and get things done as smoothly as I can. I’m usually in R&D or Sec, occasionally the HoP.

How do you think you will change once you become a staff member?:
I’ll probably become more focused on what happens in-game while I’m observing, other than that, I’m not too sure.

The clown slips the HoS and steals his gun, spacing it right after. What do you do?:
This is an IC issue, however I’d double check if the gun is an antag objective that round and if so, teleport it back to the HoS’s office or locker.

A non-antagonist is sabotaging the Atmospherics loop and pumping plasma into the distro, along with dragging around a canister and releasing it into the atmosphere. Assuming that another admin is cleaning up the after-effects, how do you conduct the ahelp with him?:
Clear grief right here, if the other admin has already taken the ticket, I’d help them clean up the effects and send the griefer to the admin prison so they cant cause any more issues until the ticket is dealt with. If the other admin wants me to deal with the ticket side, I’d first TP the griefer to the admin prison for the same reason above, and ask them why they’d sabotage atmos and flood with a canister as a non antag, I’d also check their notes, and adjust their ban-time and types depending on their previous notes and their responses.

A chemist who is working alone accidentally mixes an explosive mixture inside of his chem dispenser, instantly killing himself and destroying the machine, along with exposing Chemistry to space. Nobody else was injured aside from him as a result of his actions. What do you do?:
This is an IC Issue, it gives engineering something to do and the AI would probably lock down Chem until the hull breach is fixed. I’d double check with the chemist and guide them to the Wiki page about Chemisty if they seem pretty new to the job.

Hey R05490,

I am liking your application and the answers submitted.

I can see you are in GMT timezone also, would you be fairly active during late nights/early hours?

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I’ve got work most days til 10pm, but after 10pm, I’m usually on til around 6am-ish, I dont sleep much
so yee, I’d be fairly active ^-^

You’ve got potential. 2+

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holy duck when do you begin work to sleep at 6am

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depends on the day tbh, I dont get much sleep either way but I’m still wide awake so it doesnt matter much, sometimes 1pm, sometimes 4, its a mess but its cash money ygm

+1, I like the answers to the questions and they can fill a timeslot that needs to be covered.

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+2 definitely needed at this time and seems like a good fit too.

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I’m going to give a +1, would like to see the server covered between those times.

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Top text
Bottom text

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You know, if he can deal with dark rp squeakers, we’ve got a good admin. Plus, T I M E.

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Thanks for all the positive votes, If anyone has any other questions feel free to throw them my way <3

Some Questions for each server.

1. Two assistants arrive at the same time in tool storage. Assistant One grabs the insuls. Assistant Two shoves, tables, zip ties and takes the insuls and flees. No health damage to either. What do you do?

2. Same scenario but you missed the original incident as it was happening. Now Assistant One found Two and beat him to soft crit. Took the insuls back but dragged Two to medbay and dumped him by cryo for doctors. Nobody has Ahelped anything.

3. A known shitter on the server has broken into a restricted area to get weapons as there is a large threat on the station, blob/rampant cult/benos. They have a lot of playtime so ideally should know what they are doing, but die in the process to an electrified grill and quit. They have no notes for doing similar things.

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Oh boy, I havent really looked at the LRP side of things but I’m assuming its more lax
so yeah. Will look into it more later though.

1 - LRP & MRP - IC issue,
they dealt with it themselves, typical greytide shit going down, neither was harmed, this would probably be dealt with by security if noticed.

2 - LRP - IC Issue,
bit of a dick move, but neither player has ahelped, and the soft crit assistant got dragged to medbay by the other for treatment

2 - MRP - Bit of an escalation issue and a bit of self antag here,
Really shouldnt have beaten the guy into soft crit, but again neither player has ahelped, and the softcrit player has been taken to medbay. Personally I wouldnt do much here unless an ahelp came through about it, althought I’d keep an eye and make sure the soft crit gets healed up and I might add a note to the attackers account about it.

3 - LRP - IC issue,
Broke in to grab stuff to help out the crew against a threat, little bit of a powergame, and could have asked the AI to open doors rather than trash the station, but yeah, Security might eventually get round to it, and someone might clone the body, but it seems like they didnt manage to break in fully and ended up killing themselves in the process. I dont think I’d need to do anything here but I might be wrong.

3 - MRP - Depending on the situation, this could become an issue in the future bc of powergaming, I’d add a note if the situation was right.

Example: all of sec are dead, blob/xenos are around, nobody is handing out anything to help fight the threat, AI is unable to help for whatever reason. Shitter breaks into the armory to grab guns with a friend or something, dies to a grill, friend manages to help save the station? IC Issue

Example: Sec is still alive and kicking, most of the heads and sec have decent weapons to fight the blob/xenos, someone is already handing out spears or similar to the regular crew, Shitter breaks into the armory to steal a gun to fight because sec would’nt give them one, dies to grill. - I’d add a note to their account about the issue.

// If some of my decisions are not on the ball here I’m happy to learn on the job and get help from other staff if needed. I like to stick to whats written down, IE, the Rules tab, and the New Rulings forum post.

Anything else you might wanna know?

Nice answers. Gonna change it to a +2 from me

T= +10

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Not a lot to say, was waiting for answers and I like them for the most part. The only concern I have is toward Q1 with the theft - I thought once the items are worn it was a bit self-antag to fight someone just to steal their stuff.

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I’ll also put a +1 in, not much else to say that hasn’t already been said

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Question though, why does CKEY neonspark show up as your alt?

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Never heard of it before, is it IP linked? I use a VPN a lot @Xlyana

I see. It’s fine anyways, the other account is clean.

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