Ro5490's Admin Application the Third

As much as I’d love to +1 this based off my past experience with you as an admin. You did just come back to Bee after being gone for a year. I’d personally have liked for you to play a bit longer, some things have changed since you left.

+0, good luck.

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You returned to Bee less than six days ago after a very long hiatus. This isn’t enough time to readjust to the state of the code- and player-base.


T: -1

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Literally who?

Also gonna pull the playtime argument. Think six days after a very, very long break is a little to early to apply again. Sorry.

But, apparently, others had good experiences with you. I’ll just drop ±0. Good luck.

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Completely valid points, happy to postpone this application for a few weeks


About a week is enough for me

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I will have to give this application a -1 for now solely based on your recent playtime. You did start playing at the beginning of mai but i’d like to first have you go a month with consistent activity, which is not a thing right now, before giving you my +1. Will be happy to change this though once you proof that you are consistently interested in playing.
It is very important that you get to know the community that you then admin. We’ve changed alot, in regards to community, rules/policies wise but also as a staff team. I really don’t feel great giving you a +1 because of that at the moment.

(I hope i counted them together correctly)
T: -1

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Come back after some more adjustment, and I’d love to chip in on the app! It isnt very often that Tyranic chips in like that.

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I’ve been on and off for roughly 2-3 weeks now, and I have to say fland is the worst map I’ve seen in a while and its taking me longer than usual to get used to it, but I’m very much enjoying watching how much the community has changed in the past two years. And its safe to say I know who likes to main what roles currently and which security personnel to avoid if I’m an antag now :joy:

But I’ve also noticed that when I’m active, theres usually 0 admins/moderators online, occasionally I’ll see Megaddd on, sometimes Not_a_Shark, noticed Qwerty a little too, but 90% of the time its either everyones either deadmin’d, stealthmin’d, or just not online as no ahelps get answered it seems.

Seems you have only been active for just this month, maby 1 more month to see if you truely wana stick.

Recent activity is sufficient for me to feel comfortable supporting this application +1.


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You already have admin experience, and activity looks good! +1 from me

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If I’m boomer so are you, I remember stumbling over basic addition on your OG trialmin application :joy: :heart:

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I promised in my post above that I’d be happy to change my vote to a +1 if you manage to show consistent activity and here we are. +1 From me aswell :wink:

T: +2


Anyone got any questions or anything for me?

Questions time, assume you are a fullmin when answering these questions unless I specify otherwise.

  1. You are adminned and receive a ticket from a space pirate complaining that the hos is running around carrying their energy sword. How do you proceed?

  2. You are playing while deadminned as janitor when an assistant kills you with their toolbox. You ghost and notice they are just running around killing people with said toolbox. Their account was made today and no other admins are present. What do you do if anything?

  3. You receive an ahelp from a medical doctor asking if they can clone the xenormorph queen that was slain by the crew earlier. The Captain gave their aproval. How do you respond?

  4. You receive this ticket: “Jonathan Garland powergaming”. How do you respond?

  5. Someone prays “Do your worst?”. What do you do?

Some of these questions are hard and intentionaly very open ended. The point is to see how you would tackle these rather common issues as an admin rather than nailing the one absolute correct answer.

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Possible R.2 and obvious R.3 violation here as Security and Brig SoP states that any contraband/stolen items are meant to be confiscated and placed in evidence, and are not for personal use.

First off I’d look into how long the HoS has had the item, if they even actually had it in the first place.
Then I’d check If they’d been using it on the regular, or if it was a quick snatch and usage on a disarm (because that happens quite a lot with weapon fights tbh).

I would also PM them and ask a few questions about the situation, and then remind them about following SoP, as they’re held to a higher standard as a member of Command.

Then, Depending on how long the HoS has had the item, and if they’d been using it for personal gain rather than carrying it to the evidence lockup, and also based on if they have any recent notes that are of a similar incident, I’d either note them about SoP violations as a head, or, I would give them a job-ban for Command staff and Security if its necessary.

Personally as a janitor I wouldnt deadmin, Unless I’m an antag of couse.
First thing I would do is re-admin, check any tickets, and check their antag status and objectives as I’m now out of the round.
If they have a hijack or similar then its an IC issue. If not, and its obvious grief then I would record the evidence and set up a permaban.

Normally if there is an incident like this you’d have to reach out to another admin to resolve the situation, however special permission to resolve incidents involving yourself is granted when obvious station-wide grief occurs.

I’d most likely also stickyban them as most brand new accounts that cause chaos are ban-evaders.

I’d first check their antag status for any objective that might allow this, either custom objectives or a die a glorious death objective or similar.
Then I’d check their chat logs, to see if the “captain” actually gave their approval , and if so, I’d also check the so-called Captain’s antag status, incase they arent actually the captain.

If the captain is actually the captain and gave approval I’d PM them about the situation and see if they have any containment plans and such, as you can technically farm xenos for materials and organs if done correctly…

However, reviving a clearly hostile antagonist on-station as a non-antag is not safe at all, and under R.12 the Captains goal should be to ensure the saftey and success of the station. And under R.9 You shouldnt willingly assist known antags as its self-antag to do so.

The Captain would be held to R.12 and R.9,
And the medical doctor would be held to R.9,
I’d reply to the medical doctor and let them know this(unless they’re an antag) and that they shouldnt proceed with the revivial.
I would also let the captain know about the possibility of rule violations on their part if they did indeed authorise the revival.
Then I’d leave a note regarding the issue.

If they then ignore the admin-pm and continue, I would issue a ban.

I’d first observe the person in question and check their role, gear, antag status, and objectives.
Depending on what is found I’d either close the ticket as IC or,
PM Jonathan about powergaming and ask why they have whatever gear they shouldnt have, from there is the genric ticket process and depending on their recent notes about any similar incidents, and their responses I’d either ask them to return the items and issue a note, or issue a ban if there are any notes similar.

Give them a cookie, maybe one filled with a small amount of Space Drugs for that extra kick.
buuut, if they spam prayers, well theres smites, Puzzling them in an easily accessable place might be a fun one to watch

Personally I like to focus on what needs to be done and how quickly it can be done, its just the way I work. I do enjoy a bit of in-round chaos but if rules are broken then procedure is more important.

Sorry if these are a bit too focused :sweat_smile:

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Just very solid and well thought-out overall.
One could call your prayer response a bit boring, but at least you show that you would dedicate some thought into trying to make it a bit unique.

Good app, +1.


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Good answers and pleasant to interact with in-game.
I think you’ll make a find addition: +1


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Answers look good, and you seem like you know what yer doing

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Accepting at +5

Welcome back to the team!