Ro5490 Admin Report

In-game misconduct:

Title: Ro5490 Admin Report

CKEY: TheNeoGamer42

Your Discord: windows xp#8403

Offender’s CKEY: Ro5490

LRP or MRP server: MRP

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant): I don't know ingame names and its not relevant

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 04-03-2020

Round Number: 14217

Rules Broken (if relevant): Rule 3, this is basically grief and caused the server to shit its pants

Part of Admin Conduct Broken (if relevant): 99% sure its breaking one of the admin conducts, can't be bothered to find the admin conduct file at the time of writing this.

Incident Description: One of them spawned bwoink mines throughout the ENTIRE station, causing shittons of lag and inside the SM which is where I was at the time, as I was setting up a plasma cooling loop inside the chamber, the sparks from the mine I believe would have caused a chain reaction of the SM both assblasting me with rads and fire, and delaming it, not to mention the literal mountain of lag caused by this. 
Additional Information: holy fucking shit my lag is so bad

This was my bad, Had a bunch of prayers, at least one or two of them was about a reckoning for the station, I decided to meme with bwoink mines thinking they wouldnt cause any harm…
And well, you know the rest from there.

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basically server machine caught fire, also if your gonna do somethin like bwoink mines, I would atleast make em isolated to the people praying rather than the whole damn station, but holy shit the lag man, thats the part that makes me very unhappy about all this, and the part where they can fuckin trigger the yellow doom crystal which I was, yknow, IN THE SAME ROOM AS, adding spoocial cooling loops for it, not that it mattered since the server crashed too.

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Honesly I completely forgot about the SM and stuff, mind went blank and was like MUST MEME WITH MINES

BrawlerHorde was logged in but didnt have anything to do with the mines, I’m changing the name of this report to reflect that

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yeah no if it was just you spawning them then I don’t wanna have him getting hit with it too so yeah

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Being investigated currently, considering I connected to clean up the aftermath.

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Admin Logs

ADMIN: BrawlerHorde/(BrawlerHorde) set the admin notice: - A reminder to all crew that prayers open you up to adminbus.

OOC: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) “Being valid to adminbus means we can gib you if we feel like it, so pray carefully. this is your only warning”

Day of Reckoning Prayers

[2020-04-04 03:26:31.539] PRAY: Curry_San/(Malia Yeskey): Give us the day of reckoning
[2020-04-04 03:29:12.254] PRAY: Curry_San/(Malia Yeskey): Stay tuned the day of reckoning will come and the record will be straight

My moment of smoothbrain

ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: BrawlerHorde/(Claire Wilcox) “what should we do to meme the crew?”
ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: BrawlerHorde/(Claire Wilcox) “I don't want to ruin the lings' rounds”
ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) “hmm”
ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) “i got something, one sec”
ADMIN: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) has entered build mode.
ADMINPRIVATE: ASAY: BrawlerHorde/(Claire Wilcox) “my body is ready”
ADMIN: Build Mode: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) with path /obj/effect/mine/sound/bwoink, filled the region from Space (31, 224, 2) through Space (216, 39, 2)

Same Person Praying for reckoning after the cleanup

[2020-04-04 03:37:07.103] PRAY: Curry_San/(Malia Yeskey): This reckoning was not enough we need more
[2020-04-04 03:43:17.133] PRAY: Curry_San/(Malia Yeskey): Papa johs station needs more reckoning
[2020-04-04 03:43:36.078] PRAY: Curry_San/(Malia Yeskey): cowards

We did have a big influx of prayers at roundstart, I handled most if not all of them. Logs below

Prayer Influx + Admin-Logs
AI Prays

PRAY: Kjuled/(Papa John): papa john
ADMIN: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) pod-spawned /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/poison/bees/short at AI Chamber (214, 144, 2)
PRAY: Kjuled/(Papa John): NOOOOOOOOOO

Orion wants to be IAN

PRAY: Orion_Star_Stealer/(Alliah Rostenburg): i will trade my soul to be ian
ADMIN: SubtlePM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) → Orion_Star_Stealer/(Alliah Rostenburg) : DONE.
ADMIN: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) checked the individual player panel for Orion_Star_Stealer/(Alliah Rostenburg).
ADMIN: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) modified Ian’s ckey from to Orion_Star_Stealer
PRAY: Orion_Star_Stealer/(Ian): I need aa as ian


ADMIN: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) pod-spawned /obj/item/pizzabox/infinite at Xenobiology Lab (131, 64, 2)

Agent Stall

PRAY: PinkBlossom6/(Angelica Stall): This is Stall… I have snuck into Station 13 to avoid the syndicate control of Golden… hopefully they accept me as one of theirs… They yet do not know that I have forged an ID. Pray for me, all knowing, and hope that I don't get caught by security for the falsified ID…
PRAY: PinkBlossom6/(Angelica Stall): No one has realized that I am not the real Angelica Stall as said on the crew manifest… they will hopefully not find out…
ADMIN: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) pod-spawned /obj/item/card/id/syndicate/anyone at Engineering (156, 150, 2)
PRAY: PinkBlossom6/(Angelica Stall): Mother Russia… why must you send me an agent card?.. I do not require it… I have already acquired means of identification… I will leave it in this bag for removal…
ADMIN: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) deleted the agent card at (156,148,2)
PRAY: PinkBlossom6/(Angelica Stall): Update one: …The other engineers have yet to recognize me. They think I am the real Stall. This is good… I have… become one of the crew of Station 13. They do not know of my ties to the Russian Corporation

Nick the shitty wizard with missing limbs

PRAY: Eva_NightShift/(Nick Emelyanenko): Ok Gods i am ready do something cool

(Not logged but I removed one arm and one leg, not sure what logfile thats in)

ADMIN: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) gave Eva_NightShift/(Nick Emelyanenko) the spell targeted/turf_teleport/blink.
PRAY: Eva_NightShift/(Nick Emelyanenko): Thank you gods
PRAY: Eva_NightShift/(Nick Emelyanenko): You know that i cant use spell without robe right?
PRAY: Eva_NightShift/(Nick Emelyanenko): Any idea where?
ADMIN: SubtlePM: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) → Eva_NightShift/(Nick Emelyanenko) : Better get a robe then
ADMIN: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) pod-spawned /obj/item/clothing/suit/wizrobe/yellow at Library (81, 126, 2)
PRAY: Eva_NightShift/(Nick Emelyanenko): Amazing
ADMIN: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) pod-spawned /obj/item/clothing/head/wizard/yellow at Central Primary Hallway (89, 116, 2)
ADMIN: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) pod-spawned /obj/item/staff at Central Primary Hallway (98, 114, 2)
ADMIN: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) pod-spawned /obj/item/clothing/shoes/sandal/magic at Central Primary Hallway (99, 114, 2)

Pet Bee

PRAY: Bondismyname/(NT-274): Oh great god of space, please bless me with a pet, for lawyers do not have one
ADMIN: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) pod-spawned /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/poison/bees/short at Command Hallway (99, 127, 2)

AI didnt learn from their first prayer

PRAY: Kjuled/(Papa John): I did not learn a thing. Papa John.
ADMIN: Ro5490/(Aurora XI) pod-spawned /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/poison/bees/short at AI Chamber (214, 143, 2)
PRAY: Kjuled/(Papa John): NO NOT AGAIN

Almost everything after the mines was… about the mines, and mostly where ignored while we tried to clean up the mines.

Yeah, I set the admin notice because I wanted to make it clear that I didn’t intend to be a helpful god, only a funny one. Sending people useless items for their prayers, etc.

My favorite has been sending renamed plushies when people ask to be antagonists randomly mid round.

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Based on what I know, admins shouldnt really do something that effects the entire station just because 1 dude prayed, especially with something that literally caused the round to cease working and force a restart

This has been resolved internally with a high severity admin note - they took responsibility for what they did and near immediately reached out for assistance in correcting their mistake, along with actively participating and aiding in investigating it and ensuring that nobody got thrown under the bus who didn’t make a mistake.