remove zesko’s shit prs
- yes
- no
- i dont care but im voting anyways
0 voters
this is actuaslly serious
sort of
remove zesko’s shit prs
0 voters
this is actuaslly serious
sort of
unga but which ones I kinda like the nerfs to the cringe hardstuns like hos taser
not all of them are bad
the purpose of this thread is to see
does the community like this
if not
we go actually take action and remove the bad ones
if no
then no
Why make a poll? We’re open source, you can freely put up a PR to revert the changes.
because very few people actually use ghitlab or wgithub or whateve its called and dont vote there
the forums are much more user friendly and active
and dont require you to understand code to use
the community will actually see this instead of a select few people using the github, and they can voice their opinion
OK… Respectfully, my point was to inform you that these polls wont do a lot. If you want a change, your best bet is to make an issue or a PR on github.
If you don’t know how to, you can always ask someone to do it for you or take the opportunity to learn.
Also, you can have all of that in one post. No need to spread it out like that.
Edit: That being said, you might get more traction making the post in the correct area (#suggestions)
didnt mean to come off as rude
i understand the poll won’t actually affect anything
this is for me to gather the community’s opinion
because some of our playercouncil doesnt actually know how to playercouncil
and require some people to do the work for them
oh also if you want me to move it to suggestions is there any way for me to just relocate the thread or
What ones lmao? I know i’ve made several controversial ass changes