Remove the Flamethrower

I have seen CO2 flamethrowers before and they change the use of the flamethrower entirely.
Maybe we’re looking at this the wrong way, we should instead use how effective the flamethrower is at fire to balance atmos heat? Or maybe add a modifier to the gasses used vs gasses shot out vs effect of gasses on atmos?

Flamethrower and fastmos just don’t get along is the problem - the flame/atmos shot from the flamethrower will spread in all directions very rapidly, resulting in the flame from one shot quickly dissipating with minimal effect, unless it was concentrated enough to near instantly bake the entire space between you + the nearest firelock… which is what nearly all robust mixes do now.

I’m not confident there exists a good fix for them, but I do welcome anyone willing to try (although the unfortunately need the coding knowhow for atmos to do so)

Flamethrower as a pocket-sized atmos tool could easily be replicated by allowing tanks to be opened, or force-opened with tools if you are afraid of the loss of the more creative uses for a flamethrower that don’t even involve flame.

the best use for "flame"thrower is water vapor or n2o

3 options:

step 1: determine actual heat emitted by the flamethrower
step 2: after 5 seconds generate an opposite but equal ammount of cold in those spaces. hopefully heat will spread back.

step 1: scan the room for temperature when you click the flamethrower to use it
step 2: wait for room to equalize in temperature and each time it checks for this check to see if it has to account for multiple rooms
step 3: cool the rooms by an equal and opposite ammount

Flamethrowers now also generate “Stabilium” a gas that attempts to stabilize the temperature of a tile to the temperature the gas first sees. Doing so depletes the mols of stabilium as it acts. To prevent cheesing this the stabilium is released 1 tick before the other gases.

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yay i was pinged to this even though i haven’t played this game in about a month

Part 2

I abused the flamethrower to burn down chapel and self antag, the appeal was for ban baiting not flamethrowering chapel

its not even a flamethrower its more of a gas dispenser:

  • You can put any gas into the flamethrower even fusion though i havent tried this

  • If the gas isn’t flammable or hot enough the gas will just poop out as it i was just a opened canister when fired

Conclusion the flamethrower or as i like to describe it the gas dispenser is a very dangerous tool in the wrong hands but very potent in the atoms smart crew member trying to antag the crew or kill xeno or blob(?)

Wrong hands: Self antagger or greytider(noob)

question: how effective is a supercooled N2O flamethrower at killing a fire? could we train atmos techs to use this as a mobile cooler as opposed to a big ol’ burner? does it even work like that?

Interesting idea something none of us thought of but it would be worth a try i doubt it’s effectiveness against xenos though

As someone who doesnt know fastmos/atmos that well yet could I bother someone to explain how you go about cooling a room down after something like a plasma fire?

Most effective way is just rcding the floor then refilling the room with air

ez way to farm stabilium though.

they remove gas flamer, but they will never remove my chemical flamer.

Spray bottle was always the better flamer anyway. Nobody suspects the bottle of space cleaner.


ah but i allways made the flamer a freezer instead with cold water vapour

not really a problem, and not unreasonable to just a give a can of this to atmos as well.

Actually, this would make a lot of things easier for atmosia. You are right.

some people rely on RCD’s and siphons, personally I prefer atmos resin since then you don’t lose a bunch of gas or overload waste loop. it doesn’t matter on maps with gas miners but you can absolutely run out of air on the other maps

Atmos resin does not work as well as you think, then you have to run around breaking it all
If a guy with a flame thrower runs around the station, you’ll have to cover the whole station, without getting killed for spreading that shit

nah it works just fine, leave a sprinkling of it here and there that’s not in the way and it’s aces. you can instantly remove it with the sprayer. super easy.

I have tried it my self, I filled an entire room with atmos resin and 5 space coolers, it did not work at all