Remove sentient playersharks

“Won’t the lasers just kill the carp”

Only if you don’t know how to grab a locker.

Carp locker moment
It’s a better argument against sentient carps to say their hit and run tactics are too good and atmos isn’t easy to fix

It’s amazing @Demdisco.
You’re capable of saying so many worlds yet they all don’t mean anything.

The fact of the matter is that is is almost a legal form of griefing. Teratomas aren’t even THIS good at fucking the station up and they’re just reskinned monkies. Here are the pros of the sentient space shark

  1. Can talk to crew members and understand it - is where the issue of these things CONSTANTLY teaming with antags
  2. Decent enough of a bite that it can crit crew that aren’t armed or wearing armor in just a few bites
  3. Can just fly away if it gets into trouble, maybe go to a different z level, hide and come back
  4. Their attack is VERY capable of destroying windows and doors and other external and internal station machines
  5. Very consistent spawn
  6. Player control means it can actively become a detriment to the game when they depressure most the outlying areas or start breaking into engineering.


  1. Owie laser hurt
  2. Is still just a space shark

I remember dunking on some nerd long ago with those words
You’re thinking this because I’m arguing for both sides, instead of covering up any opposition pretending there are no actual cons :flushed:

get rekt XD
I thought people loved it when fishy talks :flushed: what gives?

If the shark is in your department, security has failed you and you’re probably dying to pressure anyways

It moves much slower than spess men, much slower

This is what makes them strong, them being space proof and able to destroy the windows and venting rooms

Not exactly on the money, space carps already often destroy shuttle windows, but by making them sentient, you’ve given players the ability to actively seek the most important windows and destroy them, without the need of a person on the other side of the window to watch and stare.

Corg station (I hope this goes the kilo way) xenobiology has a carp spawn which lets the carp see a slime and break a window to try and get to it, depressurizing xenobiology :flushed:

I see more ghost spawns, I call it fun, especially when it’s the underdog given how easily the station can kill it

On MRP, you have a security team - it’s their job to kill these carps

The HoS’ suit even has a fast jetpack, so if you really want to kill the carp, there’s your sure fire way of killing it within 5 seconds.

Wait shark sentience code was done weeks ago?

Other stations have had sentient sharks for like a year at least? Are we really that far away from /tg/ code? I get we are different stations but you still borrow stuff from them.

(Please speedmerge the Space Dragon gamemode)

more like speedmerge my circuit pr’s.

Make Circuits Great Again! Cheesepizza2 for code maintainer 202-[insert number here]!

Sharks aren’t made sentient by that event on other servers, it was a new addition

also what space dragon gamemode

Ah fair enough.

Also, its…hard to explain. But space dragon is the main antagonist. I wish i could find the video of it, but i cant.

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