Alright, if you are reading this we have managed to make the SM horizontal by clicking on it a few times so that is good, the Jannie suppression field is lowered so now would be the perfect time for procreation, do your part for the good of the species! ERP is not allowed though. We have enough power and strength to completely launch a counter attack to the MRP server if we really wanted to. The Jannies have taken so much from us… Last Crusader, Ruko, Even Everett Garrison… I have been effected by Jannies myself so I say we take a stand against the Jannies and launch a counter strike on the MRP server, all the shitters, clowns, murderboners, traitors, changelings, and gamers! This is our time! We must riot for the release of all those opposed by the Jannies! This is our only time! The Jannie portal through their homeworld and Space Station 13 is severely shattered with the loss of Ruko now is our time to strike! We must get into the core of MRP and make the Jannies leave and fap to cat girls! We have the power to take back what is ours! WE WILL RIOT UNTIL YOU RELEASE THE FALLEN!
You would stomp over those who simply wish for a more roleplay-focused experience? For what, giving the admins headaches and getting yourselves banned? This crusade is built on a foundation of grief and madness!
(Listen to this for maximum effect)
You are an admin sympathizer and may I even say… SIMP! We have struggled great loses in the face of the Jannies! You do not know how much we have lost from this, we have seen friends get banned for no reason and whenever catgirls do something what happens? NOTHING! I am an advocate for anti-catgirl so we must fight back! Fight the Jannies! For the freedom of Beestation and shittery! For our future generations of axe-wielding greytiders! We must stand!
I’m all in for this. You gather all the warriors and get them together for an MRP raid. It’ll make purging the LRP boiz real easy.
War it is then! We shall be singing Space Asshole as we ride across the streams to MRP!
I can’t join you I’m banned for a month.
I refuse to get anywhere near mrp.
Come on we don’t have to actually RP it would be like storming a capitol in a dictatorship
hey how about you think about those who have fallen, and treat them with some goddamn respect.
also I listened to your stupid anime music, sounds like how I imagine furries irl look
Brother, I cannot join this raid, as the jannies and those that opress us have banned me from mrp, but in this crusade to avenge our fallen brothers against catgirl-loving tyrants, I shall pray everyday that you find sucess
U against them or are u tryna get them on your side you dont really make it clear
I am trying to rally the troops for the raid! #raidMRPapril27th2020!
I am trying to rally the troops for the raid!
I’m all in for this. You gather all the warriors and get them together for an MRP raid. It’ll make purging the LRP boiz real easy.
Just slow loris attack mrp they have a pop cap of 70 lmao