Re-add station drones with a massive barrier to entry?

Everything on that list is already what is expected of drones and those expectations aren’t changing.

Drones are just currently admin spawn only.

More reasons why drones are overshadowed by borgs in every aspect, they have more freedom, they can speak to the crew, not to mention said expectations are very unfun, likely resulting them being admin spawn only…

Different people find their fun in different ways. There are dozens of folks who like playing drones how they are, the only major issue is that they require manual placement.


This was discussed on github. It was suggested that drones be a station goal and can have its parts ordered from cargo. I further suggested that the CE, RD, CPT, robotics have access to opening those crates.

As the stations resident lunatic and OP, I am one of the people who find a weird fun in the gameplay loop. Its not as if its overwriting another role, if you don’t find it fun then there’s no loss to you.

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That is too much effort for what is basically the worse version of a borg.

Drones are admin spawn only right now, so they’re generally not active in most rounds. Feel free to list out their current issues, it isn’t putting players at risk of being griefed.

My personal opinion for drones is that only after the major issues with drones are addressed (via policy or code) should drones be added to the game in a non-adminspawn way (mapped in via dispensers, or available in robotics for crafting).

Drones can ventcrawl + don’t have any responsibilities to the station other than not interacting with living things + fixing things.

The perfect role for someone that would like to scurry off into maint and build something.

Engiborgs can do that too (except for ventcrawling, which is not necessary with AA anyway).

Drones should be available on roundstart and as a ghost role, with a few being available from roundstart on while the rest gets built by roboticists. Req. should be sufficient hours for borgs.

While we are at it: Why is the Gateway admin-activated? If gamer-gear is the issue, why don’t we just lock those specific maps behind admin spawn while the rest can be activated via 4 heads swiping?

I had that discussion with a TG admeme already and their reasoning was gamer gear and staff disappearing from the round. But then why do we have space ruins where people can fuck off to as well with similar if not (arguably) better loot?

Because nobody other than the occasional curator and engineer would actually go out to explore space.

That said, Gateway should be available whenever greenshift happens just so to increase entertainment.

The actual reason for banning gateways (other than the disappearing staff and loot) is that gateways cause a HUGE chunk of lag and take up a shit ton of server load (try asking an admeme what it’s like loading in the factory, it’s horrible), and with how unstable the servers are recently I doubt it’s a good idea to add those back in without doing some changes.

Factory was ripped out

It’s not really a problem anymore since the bad maps were ripped out, but I like it better as a thing that gets thrown up to occupy the time of random bored people later in the round. There aren’t many maps so it’ll get stale very fast if in rotation.

Also space DOES have that same problem, oranges is a lot more likely to cull your pull request if it’s adding more tiles and stuff to space.

It is still worth keeping for new players though, imo. It’s something everyone does a lot of when learning the game it seems

I disagree with worse borg.

Having hands means crafting things and possibility of getting to do more stuff without having to annoy a sometimes uncooperative roboticist.
Station 100% fixed and we’ll maintained, well let’s make some computer or more vending machines for people.
Tons of blood staining your new floor tiles? Go grab a mop and bucket.

The ruleset of no interacting at all with anyone not a drone also means that you can focus on building and repairing.
Borgs are constantly having to worry about law interpretation and obeying orders and getting beat down.
Drones, while being able to be assaulted. Aren’t as hard to replace or get back into the round from.


Good point, admins are at least watching currently:

  • Drones have unrestricted access to the RD consoles and have the ability to lock and detonate all Borgs and Drones on the station.
    (Normally Borgs are only able to access their own entry on the RD console)

  • Steal the contents of every head locker, including objective items.

  • Drones Have the ability to rush either AI core or AI upload with almost no counter (outside of preemptive measures).

  • Vent crawling the entire armory in 1 go (may be limited to 2 at a time now with gun bulk changes)

Removing command level access should address the first 3 as its not entirely necessary for general movement. If needed, vents can be used to access said rooms.

drones 100% shouldn’t be able to be used by antags whether it be a TC trade or engaging a drone . Theyre just too powerful for non-passive gameplay

That goes against the entire point of drones, that being to be able to repair and and inspect the station for damage and decay. Anti-shitter measures should not come at the cost of fulfilling gameplay.

There must be a way to reduce the amount of shitters without it being detrimental to the gameplay and design of the class.

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Theres little reason why you would need command level acess anyway… its ~7 rooms and you can acess them via vents anyway… or walk in to the crater that is left…

Captain’s room
HoP’s room / ID console
AI sat -covers upload as well? gives the AI time to shoot you if you try something
CMO office
RD office/console- Prevents the above post
CE office
HoS office

All of the above have atmos pipes and hacking/deconstruction is still available if you 100% NEED to get in there for whatever reason, its just a fail safe optional measure.

I am sorry, then what is the point of access restrictions for drones anyway?



I love drones especially the snowflake ones C:

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