Race Changes

So yeah, it is time to make, or force, some changes about races, as most of them don’t have any perks, except for human race.

Moths eat cloth, while being flashed by anything.

Flies eat shit, it’s okay.

Squids? I don’t even know if their life matters except for stepping on a shard and salting in dchat.

And yes, loved by everyone felinids. Get fucked by flashbangs and retards, that didn’t get enough love irl.
Liggers aren’t really terribly doing in Bee, they got nice ‘wag’ and shit, but they do get some burn protection.

IPCs yeah, they are easy to kill, but at the same time, easy to revive, so it works.

As you can see, liggers and IPCs have some benefits, but the rest? We should go for some more balanced gameplay, with all the races. Moths, felinids, flypeople and others don’t deserve that treatment, there should be more benefits for being other than human race for the gameplay, at least for MRP. Stop trying to be ‘funni one’ and disable felinids, make it work and balanced for every race.

Making this post so we can discuss, as I’m sure as fuck gameplay can be really enriched by races, that don’t have only downsides.

20 characters is mean.


Felinids were already discussed that they are intentionally weak to show your robustness/punish you for playing anime uwu character.

Fly people are already exchanged with apids that are still tested and being changed.

IPC’s are really nice race, but lack informations on wiki page, plus they are buggy as fuck.

No mention of ethereals because ethereals are perfect in every way

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People that wanna show their robustness, robust. Race has nothing to do with it. Make races so they at least have some measurable advantages, this is gonna make gameplay way better.

felinid playing femboy immideatly calls for rework of races the moment his fetish content gets an actual downside lol


Plasmemes best non human race. Fully realised, interesting and unique, good features with some significant drawbacks. Only non humeme I play.

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But can you bat yourself through space at mach 1, like IPCs?

Some races just being outright worse is fine. Races don’t need to be equally balanced in their pros and cons necessarily.

I still think if you give felinids super sensitivity to hearing they should be able to hear really well… but I’m perfectly fine with them having only downsides


Thats actually very reasonable

Yeah like…they can hear whispers from further away or something like that?

not sure how easy to code, but basically yeah.

please remove all black races… ill then become a patreon

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You want revitiligo removed?

I think this game really lacks a race that makes you MORE robust. Every race makes you flash vulnerable, or fire vulnerable…

For example, Scorpionmen, a race that takes less brute damage, but starts with an weak armblade that cannot be sheathed.

Also squidmen should regenerate limbs.

I feel like squid lacks the some fun gimmick. Make them release a 3 by 3 Ink cloud when they enter crit. Not that useful, just giving them a small pro.

Squids are slip-proof.

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Funny title change, 10/10 :joy:

Wait, seriously?

Also, they cannot wear shoes (light feet mandatory)