Questions need answers

But as I said above, context can change basically everything in situations like these. Keep that in mind. Ahelp beforehand if you aren’t sure.

By the time you ahelp, they changed your laws :pleading_face:

So hold on, this whole probable cause part is totally redundant?

Since you cant deny them access if they law 2 you, only in the case that they are not human (on asimov) or crew (crewsimov). But if thats the case, you wouldnt have to follow their commands anyways…

hop is acting captain, probable cause is ‘you may’ but not ‘you must’, any admin that says they’d ban for letting captain change laws without the captain explicitly stating the lawchange will result in a law conflict (like dipshits who try to nonhuman someone on an asimov lawset) is a tool.

probable cause is there to allow you to use the possible risk of breaking law 1 to refuse a law 2 order

The borgs should be smart enough to realize that no human harm is in fact happening if it’s just disabler/baton, however they might want to stick around for a bit to see that the arrests gets carried on without any harm towards the human/crew

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