Title: Snake Venom and SEC-001 Player Report
CKEY: BettonnCZ
Your Discord: BettonnCZ#9141
Offender’s CKEY: dunno
LRP or MRP server: MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Snake Venom, SEC-001
Date : 08-10-2020
Round Number: 19700
Rules Broken: 2. Use Common Sense. 3. Be Excellent to Each Other. 4. You Must Roleplay
.13. Heads of Staff Conduct
Incident Description: I joined as a psychiatrist, came to brig and asked HoS if i can go in to evaluate the conditions of the workplace from a psychic perspective. he said no. then a guy got out of brig so i stood in the first of the 2 doors in brig, so not inside brig, and told hos that NT sent me, he said no and told me to fuck off, i asked him again so he started shooting at me with his disabler, so i started to walk away, he went outside and gunned me down, and threw me in to the cell:“you cant do that” SEC-001"watch me"
i got brigged for 3 minutes for “trespassing”. thats where Venom Snake steps in, blindfolds me, puts a nuzzle on me. SEC-001"thats cruel, i like it". then Venom puts a straight jacket on me and throws me in the the locker and locks it. i noticed they added more time on the timer. so i was in the locker until SEC-001 opens it and says:“did you do that?” Venom"maybe"SEC-001"lvery cruel, nice". Venom then proceeds to take me to the bar, still cuffed, in a straight jacket, blindfolded and nuzzled, and puts me down on a chair and tells people “hes insane, dont let him escape” then SEC-001 comes after 2 minutes and frees me from eversything.
so he started shooting at me with his disabler, so i started to walk away, he went outside and gunned me down, and threw me in to the cell:“you cant do that” SEC-001"watch me"
i got brigged for 3 minutes for “trespassing”.
You were trespassing into Security, so that’s legit. Especially after being told multiple times that Security wasn’t interested in your services. Security isn’t even required to listen to Lawyers, let alone Psychiatrists.
thats where Venom Snake steps in, blindfolds me, puts a nuzzle on me. SEC-001"thats cruel, i like it". then Venom puts a straight jacket on me and throws me in the the locker and locks it. i noticed they added more time on the timer. so i was in the locker until SEC-001 opens it and says:“did you do that?” Venom"maybe"SEC-001"lvery cruel, nice". Venom then proceeds to take me to the bar, still cuffed, in a straight jacket, blindfolded and nuzzled, and puts me down on a chair and tells people “hes insane, dont let him escape” then SEC-001 comes after 2 minutes and frees me from eversything.
All of that definitely isn’t legit, though. Security are expected to follow Space Law on Sage, and should be held to an even higher standard than other members of the crew. This certainly breaks Security SOP, at the very least. Additionally, yes, this definitely breaks the rule relating to Head Conduct. I’d argue the situation is somewhat mitigated by your release after two minutes, however.
Hi, Im Venom. Yea I definitely fucked up, it was funny to me at the time, not now tho. HoS let him go at the bar, not me, so my actions should not be pardoned.
Sorry Betton, I just got carried away.
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