I rarely see people do the maxcaps or they do it in like 30 minutes instead of 10, so this is a guide detailing my method of doing it. The fastest I ever did it using this method was 7 minutes from shift start, so basically 11-12 minutes including the lobby wait time.
The steps are in order, so they flow neatly one after the other.
- Get the tools:
Wrench, Screwdriver, Crowbar, RPD
- Input the contents of 3x O2 Canisters into the mixing room:
Note: You don’t have to sit there and wait for all canisters to empty out, do the other preparation steps in between canisters.
Some maps have a mixer connected to the input, some maps only have a connector, regardless of that, what you have to do is set all the pumps to maximum pressure on the input line and make sure that by the end of the preparation phase you have emptied 3x O2 canisters in there.
- Set air alarm to scrub only tritium:
Click air alarm > scrubbers > Select only tritium and extended range
- Set up the output from the mixing chamber
Make it look like the screenshot. The mixer must be set to OFF, maximum pressure, and the node of the mixing chamber output must be set to 33% and the other connector must be 66% or the likes. That is to say 33% Tritium in the end and 66% O2.
- Get the mixer ready for the hot mix:
Using the tools and RPD make a mixer like in the screenshot. Usually there is a useless 3 connector + manifold with a gas scanner on it. Just disassemble those and put a mixer there.
The hot mix:
Set the mixer to maximum pressure and mix 28% Oxy and 72% Plasma. !! Make sure not to mess up the nodes !!
Then attach the canister with the mix in it to the heater, and heat it up to >100c then disconnect. Now check that the temperature is rising on its own. If it is, we ignore it for now, just make sure to correctly label it and set it aside so you don’t make an oopsie later, if it’s not, heat it up more on the heater. Make sure to have it disconnected from any connector before you check that it is.
Tritium production:
By the time you finished the hot mix or even earlier, science should have researched industrial and thus given you access to the basic RPED and T2 parts. Your first priority here is to get one, and load it up with 4 T2 Lasers and 4 T2 Bins (You can do it with only 4 T2 Lasers but it’s cleaner to just get both since you lose nothing.).
Step 1
Disassemble the heater > Switch it to a freezer (screwdriver on the board) > Move it to the manifold on the mixing chamber output line that we set up earlier> Wrench it > Put board in > glass - wire - RPED > Screwdriver (> Rotate if needed, screwdriver then wrench) > Set it to lowest temperature > Turn on.
Step 2
Set the input to the mixing chamber pump to 50 kpa > Bring plasma tank > Wrench plasma tank to the connector on the input > Turn on the igniter.
The long wait:
The hot mix is heating up, the tritium is being produced, extracted and cooled down. This is by far the longest part of the process and I am looking for ways to speed it up but I will talk about that after the whole process has been detailed.
When is the wait over?
Hot mix canister temperature > 40k kelvin Edit: > 30k kelvin
The gas in the pipe connected to the freezer on the mixing chamber output line temperature < 50 kelvin (I like letting it be < 45 kelvin but it works either way). Edit: => 60 mols && <50kelvin
So what do we do meanwhile?
- Prepare the O2 for the cold mix
Upgrade the parts of the other freezer, the one that was there on shift start, with the RPED > Bring either a new O2 canister if the map has any to spare (I think only delta has spares, the others are limited to only 4) or if it does not, bring in the O2 canister that we used for the hot mix, it should still have a comfortable 800 mols or more > Wrench it to the connector > Set the freezer temperature to 43kelvin and turn on> When the canister reached that temperature you wrench it to the cold mix mixer.
!! Notice: The mixer is still off, do not turn on until the gas in the pipe is the correct temperature!!
- Make sure you have a clean filtering set-up. (Clean as in nothing else has been wrenched to it before)
!! Notice: The hot mix canister is not yet wrenched down, we’re still waiting for the correct temperature!!
- Bring out the portable pumps and attach them according to the screenshot.
The wait is over!!:
Pipe has tritium and is below 50 kelvin? Check!! Edit: =>60mols of tritium and <50kelvin
Canister has plasma and is above 40k kelvin? Check!! Edit: >30k kelvin
Wrench the canister to the filtering system, and turn on the mixer on the cold mix!
Now the portable air pumps are filled with the super heated plasma and very cold mix of tritium and oxygen.
!! Notice: The pipe only had like 70 mols, but the pump has 160. I don’t know if this is a bug or something else, but the pipe can show as low as 40mols of tritium, however it will always be 160+ in the pump, so don’t worry !!
Assembling the bomb:
- Get a plasma tank and and oxygen tank from the dispenser.
- Empty them both into an air scrubber.
- Fill one with the super hot plasma, and the other with the cold mix, portable air pump set to maximum pressure, set to “In” and after you have the tank in it, turn on.
- Connect the tanks to the valve and also set a signaler with a code and attach it to the valve, have another on the same code to trigger the explosion.
Take the bomb to the launch room, and send it to the target range.
Send the signal!
- Plasma from the mixing chamber?
I see a lot of people suggesting to take heated plasma from the mixing chamber while it is burning, the problem I have with that is that it requires either cleaning the pipes of tritium before scrubbing plasma, or it requires a filter set-up. Both of those solutions waste valuable time in my opinion AND, most importantly, they’re just annoying to deal with. My method makes a VERY clean and easily separated plasma and trit-oxy mix, with no fiddling in between with what the pipes contains. (Also, easy to make plasma-oxy destructive maxcaps after you’re done pretending to not be a traitor.)
- Why the mixer right at the output?
Again, keeps things clean. You REALLY do not want to wrench the tritium container to ANY other connectors, because you lose valuable tritium in doing so. And while you can probably do it once and still get a maxcap, do it twice and it’s already gone.
The entirety of my method is focusing on speed and making as FEW moves of canisters with gases in them as possible. As a matter of fact there is only 2 moves that can be considered wasting gas. Of the hot mix to the heater, and of the oxy to the freezer. Everything else is static.
Post any further questions below and if I know how to, I will answer
Post down there if you have any better set-ups!
New findings
I edited it around the place but I want to put it also in a separate section just to keep it clean.
Found out it also works just fine with only 30k kelvin on the plasma temperature.
However, more importantly than that: !! Turn the scrubbers off when you get to 60 mols in the pipe, with the scrubbers turned off, the tritium will cool very fast, then you turn on the mixer, put an empty tank in the portable pump, set it to in and max pressure, then turn on. It will fill out the can with like 150-160 mols of trit combined with whatever oxy amount.