'Please, sir,' replied Ung Glob, 'I want some more music.'

You wake up on the golden lavaland beach. Palm trees delicately sway in the mild breeze.The hot sand burns your feet, as you ran towards the smiling bartender waiting for you at the beach bar and grill. You crack a cold one with your new buddy and chomp on some dank pizza. You both look at the gentle waves going up and down in the distance. The only thing that would make that idyllic moment better, would be some music. Luckily, you are supplied with a disco ball just waiting to be cranked up. You come closer and open the panel. And then the horrible realization hits you.

There is no music…

In a frantic panic attack you go over the panel again, and again and again. Nothing. Tears start coming to your eyes. Your heart beat goes wild. Bartender comes behind you and embraces you, he knows what you are coming through right now, he was in the same position just before you showed up. As the darkness overcomes you and your eyes are filled with void, you smash the fist into the panel.


“There is currently no authorized music, contact your Centcomm official to report this issue”


Hello, my name is Ung Glob and i want to have music on the disco balls.

Bottom text.

TLDR: Please add music to the disco balls.


the weird part is, if you download the got there is music, it’s just that crossed(or someone else) removed it from the config or something

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