Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:
sage only Which server did the ban happen on?
sage Ban Type:
roleban on captain Ban Length:
perma Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
04-18-2020 Round ID:
Can’t check Ban Reason:
I was messing with choosing lowkey racist station names. Appeal Reason:
Piterskiy, My guy. I was a filled captain 2 rounds straight with like 10 other roles on medium and high and i had captain on low and i still got it 2 rounds straight. The earlier round went well. However got captain on Sage and sometimes see hilarious station names from allied stations so i was edgy shit and went for “Muslim station 13”, afghansmells, something like that. I got llightingstriked by a god which i thought it was hilarious for me and the god and since i didn’t get a boink at all, i didn’t break any rules. I also went for “Afghanistan”,“Nigeria” as in station name because i couldnt think of anything else. Apperantly that got rejected aswell
I got lighting bolted twice that knocked me out and because of that i wanted to mess with the admin again so i went for something edgy,lowkey racist. Boom perma captain ban.
Additional Information:
I don’t wanna go on the forums for every fuckup i do, because 1. it’s embarrasing and ruining eveyr chane i get and 2 it gets worse. However piterskiy, If you gonna use admin powers as a admin to perma ban me off captain. Can you warn me?. 2 Lighting strike doesn’t mean anything. It made me think oh “I’m gonna die because i keep fucking with the name”. Not a warning,Not 1 week ban just a straight up perma captain ban. be fair my man
I don’t deny that and that’s pretty much what i said in my post Aeder1. You can’t tell me you never once considered something small but was a major fuckup was it?. I thought it was a joke and didn’t take the lighting strike too seriously and genuiely thought me and the other “god” was having small giggles. Not a single admin respone for a warning to take away someones permission is not the way. Lighting strikes is not the way
Also “afghanistan” is a country name. How is that rejected?
Most of the ones you cycled through were either vaguely or outright racist.
The current station name pops up on the beyond hub where any passing person can see it. On top of this can get servers removed from the hub. There’s pretty much 0 tolerance for anything that is blatantly offensive.
“ I chose a funny racist name, then immediately got hit with a lightning bolt. I did it again and almost died this time. Maybe if I choose something else vaguely racist…”
This may get dropped down to a shorter time but i do not have the final say here. Just hope the above clarified why this happened.
As i said my guy, i was being racist n edgy for station names. I Just want the role reducted from a perma. Not here to argue nor discuss. But i continued without a admin bwoink and it was also a mistake for not realizing theres no tolerance should’ve stopped.
The banning admin or a headmin has to be the one to actually deny, reduce, or lift. Slurs in station name are very bad. I full community remove on 2 incidents of it. That means perma game/forum/discord with no appeal.
That said we don’t have it clearly written out on the rules page. I usually give a very strongly worded warning and a watchlist for it. Prolly recommend the cap ban be reduced to 1 month due to it not being explicit slurs. It was on MRP though which makes it worse in a way. I dunno, the cap ban might be appropriate as a perma if it was shifted to local MRP.
You were warned on numerous occasions to stop using the station names and was also smited, you were using names that included racism and that were pretty much against Byonds TOS. I feel the ban was deffinately warranted as I was on and witnessed it.