[2020-07-13 17:16:05.296] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “AA moment” (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (52, 143, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:19:22.685] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “yooo” (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (55, 144, 2))[2020-07-13 17:19:26.472] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “you left some for me” (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (55, 143, 2))[2020-07-13 17:19:28.043] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “nice” (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (55, 144, 2))[2020-07-13 17:20:36.834] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “yoo” (Security Office (126, 174, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:20:41.062] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “babe it's 8 pm” (Security Office (126, 174, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:20:49.538] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “time for your daily cock inspection” (Security Office (126, 174, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:20:54.687] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “follow me” (Security Office (122, 173, 2))[2020-07-13 17:21:10.166] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “here here” (Brig (106, 174, 2))[2020-07-13 17:21:30.034] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “wow that's rude” (Brig (109, 174, 2))[2020-07-13 17:21:42.365] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “oh, right” (Fore Primary Hallway (118, 164, 2))[2020-07-13 17:22:20.303] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “HoP it's 8 pm” (Head of Personnel’s Office (105, 119, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:22:28.533] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “time for your daily cock inspection” (Head of Personnel’s Office (104, 119, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:22:36.171] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “pants off” (Head of Personnel’s Office (104, 118, 2))[2020-07-13 17:22:39.473] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “hmhm” (Head of Personnel’s Office (103, 118, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:22:43.577] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “aight let's see” (Head of Personnel’s Office (103, 118, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:22:48.471] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “yooooo” (Head of Personnel’s Office (103, 118, 2))[2020-07-13 17:22:52.192] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “that's a nice cock” (Head of Personnel’s Office (103, 118, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:23:04.097] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “a little small on the width but overall nice girth” (Head of Personnel’s Office (103, 118, 2))[2020-07-13 17:23:06.940] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “8/10” (Head of Personnel’s Office (103, 118, 2))[2020-07-13 17:23:16.029] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “congratulations, you passed the inspection” (Head of Personnel’s Office (103, 118, 2))[2020-07-13 17:25:07.305] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) (priority announcement) “Okay, cock inspection is coming along nicely. CMO, please proceed to patient room #1 in medbay for the daily head cock inspection” (Bridge (113, 137, 2))[2020-07-13 17:25:33.260] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “welcome” (Medbay Central (150, 106, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:25:38.032] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “come in” (Medbay Central (150, 106, 2))[2020-07-13 17:25:53.728] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “come in come in” (Medbay Central (150, 107, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:26:01.079] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “it's for statistic” (Medbay Central (150, 107, 2))[2020-07-13 17:26:08.651] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “NT values its department heads” (Medbay Central (150, 107, 2))[2020-07-13 17:26:14.958] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “I've already checked HoP's” (Medbay Central (150, 107, 2))[2020-07-13 17:26:30.184] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “And?” (Medbay Central (150, 107, 2))[2020-07-13 17:26:42.433] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “I am a professional cock inspector” (Medbay Central (150, 107, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:27:00.120] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “you may leave the door open, if you so wish” (Medbay Central (150, 107, 2))[2020-07-13 17:27:34.171] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “I'll report as 'refused to show cock” (Medbay Central (149, 113, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:27:57.599] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “hey” (Xenobiology Lab (172, 102, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:28:01.331] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “whhere's the RD?” (Xenobiology Lab (172, 102, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:28:13.125] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “oh nice” (Xenobiology Lab (170, 88, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:28:16.353] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “there you are RD” (Xenobiology Lab (170, 88, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:28:23.166] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “RD” (Xenobiology Lab (170, 88, 2))[2020-07-13 17:28:27.628] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “the time has come” (Xenobiology Lab (170, 88, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:28:35.118] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “the time for your daily cock inspection” (Xenobiology Lab (170, 88, 2))[2020-07-13 17:28:47.228] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “please proceed with me” (Xenobiology Lab (171, 87, 2))[2020-07-13 17:29:17.885] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “RD” (Research Division (181, 105, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:29:24.284] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “it is inevitable” (Research Division (181, 105, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:29:27.092] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “yourt cock” (Research Division (180, 106, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:29:28.886] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “show it” (Research Division (180, 106, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:29:45.645] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “a help?” (Research Division (180, 106, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:30:23.058] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “hello there” (Captain’s Office (120, 132, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:30:27.791] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “need help with that?>” (Captain’s Office (120, 131, 2))[2020-07-13 17:31:30.730] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) (priority announcement) “just putting it out there, out of all the heads, the HoP is the only one who isn't insecure about his genitals and is not afraid to show them to a random Janitor Cock Inspector” (Bridge (113, 137, 2))[2020-07-13 17:31:39.291] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “it's cozy” (Bridge (113, 136, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:31:51.436] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “okay” (Bridge (113, 136, 2))[2020-07-13 17:31:55.959] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “I'll do my thing” (Bridge (113, 136, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:32:41.723] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “why” (Port Primary Hallway (75, 142, 2))[2020-07-13 17:32:55.288] GAME: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) fired /datum/reagent/space_cleaner (86u) from a space cleaner at Port Primary Hallway (72, 141, 2).