People are out here getting PERMA for "Penis inspection day" because Bee is a "minor friendly server". What?

It’s SS13, what about it is “Minor Friendly”? SS13 is one of the most violent games I’ve ever played, you can literally cut people’s tongues out and feed it to them, there are massive fleshbeast cluwnes that explode into bloody mush all over everything when you kill them, you can make a device that sucks out every single drop of a person’s blood and sprays it all over the walls, hell, consider borging, which is literally forced tech slavery for the enemies of the company, and then consider that it’s considered MUNDANE compared to the other shit you can do in this game, and you tell me what part of it is “Minor Friendly”. Like, heaven forbid somebody say “it’s penis inspection day” over comms, but if you want to strip someone naked, force them into a straitjacket and gag, then wheel them around the station with no admins on because you’re a sadistic fuck who gets off on having power over others, well that’s totally fine.

And please don’t regurgitate that it’s “to protect the server legally”. If some Karen or some million dollar bureaucracy sues Beestation because little Timmy heard a dirty joke and got his penis inspected by someone who had no way of knowing it was a minor, do you honestly think the courts are gonna see all that other shit and say “oh well it’s fine because they banned WGW”? I’m as against ERP and erotica in SS13 as the next guy, but at what point does it become too much?

Also, since I’m big on context and against starting arguments that are all heat and no light, apparently the guy “knocked someone out with morphine” before doing the penis inspection (he also called it cock inspection if that makes a difference to you), but the only specifics given were “the things I said aren’t what doctors say” (in reference to the urologist not being erotic) and “You said some pretty messed up stuff when we were investigating the logs” from @SuperDork55 (which is a great username btw). He also had a previous ban for “erotic copypasta in OOC” but claims that that was before the “nothing erotic” rule.


But again, it’s JUST the penis inspection day meme. Even @ZoeyTheZany who thinks Bee should be for kids didn’t think it deserved perma. Maybe with this example it went too far, but when is too much too much?

The thread in question: Johanot banned by PowerfulBacon

@Johanot @PowerfulBacon

Again, if the AI can spam the VOX about “Moth Feet” and “100 kilometer clown johnson” why is using the comms console to say “The HoP showed me his penis” multiple times so far out of the question that it deserves perma? (I mean, yeah, that’s pretty cringe but so is the AI not shutting up about how moth feet are better than lizard feet or IPC feet, like what the fuck)


cannot wait for the thread to get locked

I think @PowerfulBacon rationale for the ban was that they where pushing it too far and keeping it going all round, talking about the HoPs penis and stuff.

I doubt anyone would get banned just for saying ‘penis inspection day’ once, although id love to see the relevant logs of the ban to provide more insight into the tipping point

same here honestly. The “really bad stuff from the logs” line makes me wonder.

ok 1. cock inspection isnt mrp behavior, i know mrp behavior isnt something most people do but this is pushing it and doesn’t make sense and no one finds “johnson inspection” funny anymore

  1. and 3. copypasta in ooc is something worth being banned for in ooc and if its spammed server banned for, these bans seem good and legit

johnson inspection = ban
clown in maint with 20 kilometer johnson = fine
both should be fine

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haha, I appreciate the support

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I have never actually banned anyone for just saying it as a joke. They went full on with the cock inspection RP, actually bringing in HOP for it and constantly trying to get other players to have a cock inspection with them. Combined with their previous note history for posting erotic copypastas in OOC


[2020-07-13 17:16:05.296] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “AA moment” (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (52, 143, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:19:22.685] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “yooo” (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (55, 144, 2))[2020-07-13 17:19:26.472] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “you left some for me” (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (55, 143, 2))[2020-07-13 17:19:28.043] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “nice” (Arrival Shuttle Hallway (55, 144, 2))[2020-07-13 17:20:36.834] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “yoo” (Security Office (126, 174, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:20:41.062] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “babe it's 8 pm” (Security Office (126, 174, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:20:49.538] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “time for your daily cock inspection” (Security Office (126, 174, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:20:54.687] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “follow me” (Security Office (122, 173, 2))[2020-07-13 17:21:10.166] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “here here” (Brig (106, 174, 2))[2020-07-13 17:21:30.034] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “wow that's rude” (Brig (109, 174, 2))[2020-07-13 17:21:42.365] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “oh, right” (Fore Primary Hallway (118, 164, 2))[2020-07-13 17:22:20.303] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “HoP it's 8 pm” (Head of Personnel’s Office (105, 119, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:22:28.533] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “time for your daily cock inspection” (Head of Personnel’s Office (104, 119, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:22:36.171] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “pants off” (Head of Personnel’s Office (104, 118, 2))[2020-07-13 17:22:39.473] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “hmhm” (Head of Personnel’s Office (103, 118, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:22:43.577] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “aight let's see” (Head of Personnel’s Office (103, 118, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:22:48.471] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “yooooo” (Head of Personnel’s Office (103, 118, 2))[2020-07-13 17:22:52.192] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “that's a nice cock” (Head of Personnel’s Office (103, 118, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:23:04.097] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “a little small on the width but overall nice girth” (Head of Personnel’s Office (103, 118, 2))[2020-07-13 17:23:06.940] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “8/10” (Head of Personnel’s Office (103, 118, 2))[2020-07-13 17:23:16.029] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “congratulations, you passed the inspection” (Head of Personnel’s Office (103, 118, 2))[2020-07-13 17:25:07.305] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) (priority announcement) “Okay, cock inspection is coming along nicely. CMO, please proceed to patient room #1 in medbay for the daily head cock inspection” (Bridge (113, 137, 2))[2020-07-13 17:25:33.260] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “welcome” (Medbay Central (150, 106, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:25:38.032] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “come in” (Medbay Central (150, 106, 2))[2020-07-13 17:25:53.728] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “come in come in” (Medbay Central (150, 107, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:26:01.079] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “it's for statistic” (Medbay Central (150, 107, 2))[2020-07-13 17:26:08.651] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “NT values its department heads” (Medbay Central (150, 107, 2))[2020-07-13 17:26:14.958] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “I've already checked HoP's” (Medbay Central (150, 107, 2))[2020-07-13 17:26:30.184] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “And?” (Medbay Central (150, 107, 2))[2020-07-13 17:26:42.433] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “I am a professional cock inspector” (Medbay Central (150, 107, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:27:00.120] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “you may leave the door open, if you so wish” (Medbay Central (150, 107, 2))[2020-07-13 17:27:34.171] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “I'll report as 'refused to show cock” (Medbay Central (149, 113, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:27:57.599] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “hey” (Xenobiology Lab (172, 102, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:28:01.331] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “whhere's the RD?” (Xenobiology Lab (172, 102, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:28:13.125] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “oh nice” (Xenobiology Lab (170, 88, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:28:16.353] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “there you are RD” (Xenobiology Lab (170, 88, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:28:23.166] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “RD” (Xenobiology Lab (170, 88, 2))[2020-07-13 17:28:27.628] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “the time has come” (Xenobiology Lab (170, 88, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:28:35.118] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “the time for your daily cock inspection” (Xenobiology Lab (170, 88, 2))[2020-07-13 17:28:47.228] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “please proceed with me” (Xenobiology Lab (171, 87, 2))[2020-07-13 17:29:17.885] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “RD” (Research Division (181, 105, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:29:24.284] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “it is inevitable” (Research Division (181, 105, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:29:27.092] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “yourt cock” (Research Division (180, 106, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:29:28.886] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “show it” (Research Division (180, 106, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:29:45.645] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “a help?” (Research Division (180, 106, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:30:23.058] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “hello there” (Captain’s Office (120, 132, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:30:27.791] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “need help with that?>” (Captain’s Office (120, 131, 2))[2020-07-13 17:31:30.730] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) (priority announcement) “just putting it out there, out of all the heads, the HoP is the only one who isn't insecure about his genitals and is not afraid to show them to a random Janitor Cock Inspector” (Bridge (113, 137, 2))[2020-07-13 17:31:39.291] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “it's cozy” (Bridge (113, 136, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:31:51.436] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “okay” (Bridge (113, 136, 2))[2020-07-13 17:31:55.959] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “I'll do my thing” (Bridge (113, 136, 2))
[2020-07-13 17:32:41.723] SAY: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) “why” (Port Primary Hallway (75, 142, 2))[2020-07-13 17:32:55.288] GAME: Johanot/(Garrett Kelley) fired /datum/reagent/space_cleaner (86u) from a space cleaner at Port Primary Hallway (72, 141, 2).

(Some lines are merged into one cause I fucked up the regex)

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Why would I lock the thread?

this is literally just a copypasta. This is actually far tamer than I assumed. Not MRP material, but on LRP there’s nothing wrong with it, inasmuch as it isn’t actually erotic. He’s just going around doing the copypasta. Yeah it’s bad MRP but it sure as hell isn’t ERP.

majority of rule threads/protest threads immediately get locked

yeah, but perma from BOTH? over what amounts to ONE erotic OOC thing and ONE copypasta meme roleplay on MRP?


Thank you for posting the actual logs, I was just about to request it. It’s easier to judge me based on the logs rather than on how you’ve recounted what I’ve said in the thread

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Erotic copypastas are banned, however you may appeal it and get it accepted the first time. This would be the second occurounce however, and combined with the actual situation of going around and trying to get other heads of staff to cooperate to his inspection, you can see why they were banned for this.

Yeah, but it’s not that bad. It’s literally just a meme; you can’t act like “Penis inspection day” exists in a vacuum. If this was a non-dirty copypasta nobody would even remotely consider a permaban. It isn’t erotic. I mean if he ran around shoving people and saying “I HAVE OVER 50 CONFIRMED KILLS” it wouldn’t be perma, and this has way less impact than going around shoving everyone.

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If it breaks the rules, you will get banned for it. It’s that simple for consistency reasons.

I just want to note for everyone that, again, I got banned for the copypastas(the first time) before they were actually officially forbidden. Nearly got perma’d as well, for a rule that was written nowhere

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what was the pasta? if it was something like wgw that was bannable at the time iirc just not explicitly written out

I mean did the guy do the me "unzips pant"

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If you’re interested, you can see this Johanot banned by RodBoward

TL;DR I got banned for posting a copypasta (a rather bad one) in OOC, try to talk myself into just an OOC ban. An admin comes and claims it’s ERP and I should get perma for it. I complain that the rules don’t even say that erotic pastas are ERP. The rules get changed. The week ban stays though

Basically because of what I’ve done, the “Do not ERP. This rule is a zero-tolerance rule and will be met with an unappealable permanent ban from both servers. We may or may not share the logs so others can laugh at you. Go to a containment server if you want to ERP.” rule was changed into this

yeah this is cringe i see why